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Outdoors in RI: Fishing flourish, deer season on, 2nd Amendment holds… – Jeff Gross
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer
Photo, top: Trevor Berwick
Fishing focus
Yes, it is a great time to be an outdoors person. Fishing in Rhode Island is phenomenal. If one goes on the “an even better 401 fishing” page on Facebook, you will see the great success many of the Rhode Island fishing crowd is experiencing.

Trevor has been nailing very large Stripers just off the SouthCoast shore. Some of these cows which were all released would put some very thick fillets in one’s freezer. The nice weather we are currently experiencing should drive the bite even stronger.
Deer season
This past Friday Archery Deer season opened up. Including in the public lands are 4 parcels in the town of Bristol. Lou (photo above) is one who will fill his freezer rather quickly with the magnificent animal he took on opening day. A nice trophy will also be in the works as hunters do not waste any part of the animal. Various gun clubs acquire their venison in a mutual effort with the RI DEM and local police departments.

Deer strikes involving cars are often given to various clubs so as to not waste the animal. These clubs rapidly process the deer as to avoid any spoilage and within the year serve the venison as a variety of entrees including deer steaks, deer kabobs, venison chile, venison stew, to name a few. The hunters like Lou are doing a great service to the town of Bristol as well as those who hunt lands that are populated with deer.
Drivers in Bristol will not experience as much of an imminent threat with deer strikes. These deer strikes give car insurance companies reason to raise the rates of car owners. Less deer strikes equals no excuse for raising the rates for car insurance. A win-win for the entire town. Plus, less accidents for the Bristol PD and Bristol FD to contend with at 2 am. I would like to thank all the deer hunters that take coyotes as well. Like the deer herds, the coyote packs must be reduced as well.
While this hunt is supported by the majority of Bristol residents, a few Vegans chimed in. One asked who would regulate who has a license and who doesn’t. That was a legitimate question. I mentioned that the RI DEM enforcement will inspect the license situation during the hunt. However, the unlicensed hunters were her concern which I stated that unlicensed deer shooters are actually poachers and are probably already taking deer illegally outside the season dates. These same poachers are likely shooting on land that is posted with no trespassing signs. Again, this woman had a respectable question.
However, another vegan woman, who hates hunting, stated the hunters should dress their children up like deer and let the children be slaughtered like the deer. The vitriolic statements from this woman were horrible. She made the statements on the Bristol PD Facebook page, no less. The question of this woman’s sanity might comes into play? (I wonder if she is pro choice as well). Some vegans are of a rational state of mind. I encountered two in the last five years that I tried to get involved with. I mentioned to both that I was a hunter right away, and neither seemed phased by the statement. What might have been, as I even started to cook a little vegan style for them? Tom Brady would have loved what I made for dessert.

Hunt dog health
For those of you who hunt with a dog that has long hair, take note of the fur between the paw pads. Abby needs this fur trimmed every two weeks. All my beloved Golden Retrievers needed this fur trimmed as the fur causes the pads to lose their grip on the ground and floors. Many years ago, my Golden Retriever “Haley” threw out her back as she slipped when she ran into the kitchen. I usually trim the pad fur and nails at the same time. As pheasant season is rapidly approaching, I take time with Abby every day. Sometimes twice a day, if time permits. She finally graduated to training with a 12 ga. shotgun and I was stunned by her reaction. Her interest grew 20 times greater after hearing the 12 ga shot. Yes, Ginnie, it is in the blood and genetics. Abby is still a lady, though. Due to her modesty, she will leave the trail or road and venture into the woods when she needs to “go”. Apparently, she insists on her privacy.

Brown Tail Moth
Just a quick comment on the Brown Tail Moth skin problem. Two and a half months later I donned a shirt I hadn’t worn since July in Maine. The next day I broke out in a small Brown Tail Moth rash. Last week I wore another different shirt, and I broke out with a pretty good rash, which I still have the scars from at this moment, and one large blister. I hope all the Maine folks that stated they were taking the Brown Tail Moth issues into their own hands, did so for the safety of all people in Maine and those who visit Maine.
Maine was slammed with Hurricane Lee and Lakeville, Maine incurred 4.75 inches of rain as well as wind gusts of 40 mph+ that knocked out power for a day. We in RI did not incur any situation like that. As a result, we did not need to employ Ron DeSantis’ home security protection of “You Loot We Shoot”. Ron and the state of Florida and 26 other states have fully recognized how sacred the 2nd Amendment is.
2nd Amendment challenges meets strength of US Constitution
Other states that are coming to their senses realizing that homeowners, car owners, and pedestrians are their own first responders. That is why the New Mexico Governor is in a world of trouble for violating the Constitutional rights of New Mexicans. Not only did her executive order banning carrying a concealed weapon not pass constitutional muster and was attacked in court by every national gun organization in the USA, but a host of smaller state gun groups joined in as well.
Now, New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham is facing articles of impeachment for constitutional violations; rightly so. The time has come to hold all anti-Constitutional legislators completely accountable. That means also indicting said legislators for violating 18 US code 241 and 18 US code 242. and sending these violators to jail.
On a different note, a national gun group has come to the aid of Hunter Biden and his gun charge. Rightly so, as it does not matter what your last name to determine on whether the 2nd Amendment applies to you. The 2nd Amendment applies to all legal US citizens. My bet is Hunter Biden will be exonerated from the gun charge. The irony in this is what applies to Hunter regarding the 2nd Amendment is exactly what his father is looking to violate in the same amendment for the rest of us. I wonder if 18 US Code 241 &242 applies to presidents as both statutes state “any person(s)”. 18 US Code 241 & 242 specifically do not list anyone as exempt.
Be safe – hunt and fish safely, too. – Jeff
Read more articles by Jeff Gross, here:

Jeffrey “Jeff” Gross spent 21 years as an Analytical Chemist at the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, Woods Hole Laboratories, and Helix Technologies. Changing careers is a “great learning experience for everyone”, Jeff says, and I’m an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, a student of the sciences, and the world. The US holds too many wonders not to take a chance and explore them”.Jeff is the Model Train and Railroad entrepreneur. Proud Golden Retriever owner. Ultra strong Second Amendment Advocate and Constitutionalist. “Determined seeker of the truth”. Jeff is a RIFGPA Legislative and Legal Officer, Freshwater Chairman, NRA Liaison.His subjects include Outdoors, Second Amendment, Model Railroading, and Whimsical.