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Outdoors in RI: (Coastal) Dead whales’ tales, TDS, Rights of Way, dirty water, fish camp – Jeff Gross
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer
Photo, above, Demi Pita
Dead whales telling tales
Concern over the dead whales is growing rapidly. When I was a Non-Commissioned Officer in the USCG, we would see a dead whale or two every year or two years – combined with stranded dolphins, every couple of years. The time span between events may be even longer so that’s a conservative time span. Today, dead whales are becoming a weekly dilemma. What has changed so drastically in the oceans off the eastern seaboard that whales and dolphins are dying at an extreme rate?
In my opinion, the climate change agenda has brought about some extreme mistakes – all in the name of money. Like one Little Compton, Rhode Islander put it – “it is all about the money, Jeff”. This explains why land is being deforested now in thousands of square miles to install solar farms. Anyone with a basic understanding of chemistry knows that the best way to remove carbon from the atmosphere is through tree growth. Trees are, in fact, your sustainable energy source. Deforestation started in the Amazon decades ago, and I would bet that most do not realize the warnings were put out by conservationists, like me, years ago. In fact, the Amazon plight hasn’t been mentioned enough in any media since the mid 1990’s, until now.
Making way for the Right of Way
Another growing dilemma is the elitists thinking they own the waterfront in Rhode Island. Members of Saving RI Coastal Access/Right of Way made some significant improvements to beach access on the south coast of Rhode Island. In the spirit of “We the People”, their forefathers would be very proud. “Atta Boy” to the SRIAROW members and do not let anything nor anyone stand in your way. Don’t forget about the Tiverton Town Council looking to ban shoreline fishing access at that July hearing.
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) – it’s a real thing
With all the people blaming former President Trump for things going wrong on Biden’s watch, I am surprised that he isn’t being blamed for the I-195 Washington Bridge disaster, or the Coventry Route 3 construction mess. One thing is apparent – it is always easier to blame someone else. This TDS is so prevalent in some Rhode Islanders I feel like I am dealing with children. I send this warning out to all, especially to sportsmen and women, these folks with TDS are often the same ones looking to violate our hunting, fishing and Second Amendment heritages.
I have had a few social media trolls complaining about my posts on Town Pages on Facebook. Most of them took the bait. OK, Ryan MC, you have crossed the line by telling me I lied about serving in the US military. I wouldn’t lie to save a family member’s soul. An exaggeration to make a point. I’ll tell you what: my email is listed at the end of each one of my articles, here. Email me and I’ll meet you and any of your trolls at the Providence VA hospital for a personal tour. Biden is cutting the VA by 10,000 employees so I want you to see another agency that Trump greatly improved, and that Biden is destroying! What is completely sad is these Biden trolls feel that they do no wrong.
Some Facebook page administrators controlling what people read, and what they don’t, are as bad as the MSM and social media companies. An example is Our Town North Kingstown. Good luck trying to get a post listed without personally being labeled as hate mongering, racist, or rage bait. It is clear the level of immaturity with the aforementioned, I need to heed the recommendations of numerous good friends and don’t waste valuable oxygen on them and focus on improving this state and country before the progressive agenda totally destroys them.
All cooped up?
Two latest developments that will affect fishing in Rhode Island are the Blue Green Algae and beach closures. Currently, Carbuncle Pond is flagged for Blue Green Algae and it seems rather odd that such a deep pond is contaminated, but shallow ponds like Shippee Sawmill Pond or Carolina Trout Pond is not. There must be a reason why this occurs readily in Carbuncle, so why not get to the source and fix it? Massachusetts, at last count, has 45 beaches closed due to bacteria contamination. Again, why so many beaches spread all over the state of MA? Is MA that dirty? How long before it starts in RI? My concern is there is more and more reason and advice to keep people cooped up in their homes. How long before RI management areas are closed to all citizens due to a few bugs having EEE, like last year?
RISAA Statement of Thanks

Congratulations to all our 2024 Youth Fish Camp Participants! Last week RISAA held our annual camp with youths ages 7-12. We thank all of our many volunteers and partnering organizations including the RI Division of Marine Fisheries, RI Department of Environmental Management Enforcement Division, RI Division of Fish and Wildlife Aquatic Education Program, Trout Unlimited, and Safe Harbor Greenwich Bay, as well as many others for making this event a success!
Next week: 2A related informational updates
Have a good week – Jeff

Jeffrey “Jeff” Gross spent 21 years as an Analytical Chemist at the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, Woods Hole Laboratories, and Helix Technologies. Changing careers is a “great learning experience for everyone”, Jeff says, and I’m an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, a student of the sciences, and the world. The US holds too many wonders not to take a chance and explore them”.
Jeff is the Model Train and Railroad entrepreneur. Proud Golden Retriever owner. Ultra strong Second Amendment Advocate and Constitutionalist. “Determined seeker of the truth”. Jeff is a RIFGPA Legislative and Legal Officer, Freshwater Chairman, NRA Liaison.
His subjects include Outdoors, Second Amendment, Model Railroading, Commentary, and Whimsical. He can be reached at: [email protected].
Great article! Thank you for bringing awareness to these issues~
Great points . As a fisherman in Narragansett Bay I am appalled at the Quohaugs dying and lack of seed . The most talked about theory among we the fishermen is chemical contamination from the sewers , the streets , and the manicured landscape .