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Outdoors in RI: big animals, tiny Ticks, huge Trout, Chepachet’s Harmony Railway, 2A – Jeff Gross
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer, commentary
Large Game Animals and their growing problems
Rhode Island had its first Black Bear and car interaction on Tuesday, and it didn’t end well for the bear. Apparently, Yogi was struck by a vehicle sometime during the night as the male bear was found in West Greenwich at 7am on Interstate 95. Fortunately Boo Boo bear was not with him. Was Boo Boo guarding Mr. Ranger’s pic a nic basket?
Also noted within the week is another sighting of a Mountain Lion in West Greenwich. This sighting occurred at dusk and the large cat was chasing a Rabbit. Some nay sayers will say it was a Bob Cat, however, my friend who had the cat in his yard, has good eyesight and is educated on nature matters, so there is little chance of mis-identification at this point.
There is a concern that Chronic Wasting Disease found in Deer may, in time, transfer to humans. The link may be Human Prion disease. For the moment there is no CWD in New England, so the concerns of humans contracting CWD are, so far, alarmist.

Tick alert!
Ticks are out and abundant. Abby is picking them up here in the back yard in the West Bay. They are so far Dog Ticks. On the East Bay the problem is Deer Ticks and also Long Horn Ticks. Since Ticks are now spreading Powassan Disease it is imperative to exam one’s self when returning indoors. There seems to be a large number of Jet Black Deer Ticks, likely a larvae stage at this time of year in the Tiverton area.
Trout time
While some of us are yet to enjoy the tugging of our fishing rods, many have noted some spectacular trout catches across the state. My comments last year about the trout being stocked on steroids is being said at the local fishing holes across the state. While the comment is completely satirical it does show how exceptional the trout sizes are. Many are going home with a limit of 5 trout and the smallest is 17 inches. Yes, indeed the RI DEM deserves a US Coast Guard “Atta Boy”!
Harmony Railway – have you been?
The weather is to be exceptional this weekend so set time aside to do a 2-day event with the youngsters. Take one day to go fishing and the other day (or same day if you chose) to take the train ride at Harmony Products in Chepachet. A fun time for the youngsters and young at heart awaits at the outskirts of Chepachet, Rhode Island. While awaiting the train your family can take in the station that is filled with all types of gifts and treats. For you folks that are tea drinkers, there is a healthy stock of Honey for purchase to add to your cup. Link to their site: Harmony Railway & Gift Shop (

Harmony Railway & Gift Shop
Ticket Information: The train departs from our retail store, where tickets can be purchased. Ticket prices are $5 per person, $3.50 for veteran or active duty military guests. Children under 3 ride free!

On the Second Amendment front:
The National Police Association is now officially on board supporting the Second Amendment. If, in fact, the Association came out and insists the Ilinois Assault Weapons Ban (propaganda term) be struck down immediately. The police in Illinois prefer having an AR-15-Armed Citizenship (are you listening, Rhode Island?) knowing the best defense from a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. A US Coast Guard “Atta Boy” to the National Police Association for taking this courageous stance! Apparently, people are seeing the light.
Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and the Firearms Policy Coalition – In another win, 18-20 year olds can now carry a loaded firearm with a CCW permit in Pennsylvania. Are you listening, Rhode Island? 18-20 year old firearm bans are now struck down in most locations in the USA, thanks to the SAF. The SAF is the pillar that keeps the 27 pro gun wins – to 2 losses – ratio so high. For the cost of a Rat Burger meal in RI plus $2 more you can join SAF. Consider giving more if you can afford it. Without a doubt joining SAF is one of my best investments. I was fortunate to be able to join the MA Red Flag class action lawsuit. SAF has a winning record that would give the 2007 New England Patriots a run for their money. The money for membership to the SAF will keep the anti-gun crowd on the run and on the retreat. Your hard-earned money that is left over after the federal and state taxes consume 45% of your earnings (including sales taxes, FICA, Medicare, and the like) is better off going to SAF rather than going to any politician.
In 2022, 75 Republican RI candidates ran statewide and the supposed gun experts expected a Red Wave. Look at the results: only 1 out of 75 Republicans won a seat. I am a realist. My money instead went to SAF, where there is constant success. Even better, a major complaint in RI is how everyone is often kept in the dark about any 2A legal cases going on. The exception is Big Bear. Will and Andre do well in Mag Ban status videos. SAF does not keep it’s members, nor the public, in the dark. They do a fantastic job of weekly updates that is now being mimicked by other 2A organizations, and as well they should follow suit. These weekly updates occur while SAF has 50-plus lawsuits going on nationwide. Each win adds just a little more pain in the stomach ulcers inside the anti-gun groups. Consider giving up that Large Rat Burger Meal plus $2 more ($15 total) and join a winning team. Your Cardiologist will thank you as well. Link to join: Join or Renew Membership – Second Amendment Foundation (
’til next time (Friday) – have a good week – and get outdoors! – Jeff

Jeffrey “Jeff” Gross spent 21 years as an Analytical Chemist at the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, Woods Hole Laboratories, and Helix Technologies. Changing careers is a “great learning experience for everyone”, Jeff says, and I’m an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, a student of the sciences, and the world. The US holds too many wonders not to take a chance and explore them”.
Jeff is the Model Train and Railroad entrepreneur. Proud Golden Retriever owner. Ultra strong Second Amendment Advocate and Constitutionalist. “Determined seeker of the truth”. Jeff is a RIFGPA Legislative and Legal Officer, Freshwater Chairman, NRA Liaison.
His subjects include Outdoors, Second Amendment, Model Railroading, Commentary, and Whimsical. He can be reached at: [email protected].
Thanks for the great information Jeff