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Outdoors in RI: …and sometimes from Maine. Fine fishing, size matters, EV Boats – Jeff Gross
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer
Though Rhode Island had little if any ice on the ponds this year, the great state of Maine did. These Fishing Ladies did exceptionally well on Moosehead Lake through the ice. Both Brittany, on the left, and Joanne, on the right, both caught Brook Trout over 23 inches in length. Their husbands were as excited as they were. Fortunately, their husbands were able to stay cool long enough to take a few great photos. Both ladies caught keepers that are being mounted and will adorn a wall in their respective camps.
Apparently their husbands have keepers as well. Like the shooting sports, women are becoming more involved in fishing. It is quite apparent that the ladies often out-fish their male counterparts. The reasoning why women do so well at fishing is not quite known yet. Whether it is “Lady Luck” on their side or just tending to be more patient of the two genders. Or maybe it is a combination of luck and patience. Fishing is an excellent way ladies to unwind especially after working a combined 60 to 80 hours week at work and also at home.
Picture this: Sitting on the bow of the boat, the sun is setting, there is a plastic glass of Merlot in the bow cup holder, snacks on the seat, (naturally the commander of the boat would have a Coke for himself) there is an Eagle flying overhead looking to overtake and steal the dinner of an Osprey that is catching a bass or trout. Suddenly ladies, your fishing rod tip dives for the water as an unknown fish has attempted to run off with your lure. And the battle is on and the adrenaline is flowing. One will get not that kind of pleasure sitting on the couch with the TV on.
The above scene is provided solely by nature. For you ladies that don’t partake in the sport or rarely partake, give fishing a whirl. Fishing is a great stress reliever. Even those of you who keep your stress levels to yourselves, it can be seen in your eyes by an observant eye. What better way to quell the hassles of day to day life than to be out on the water?
This writer canceled his Cable TV as a result of Tucker Carlson being let go. Hopefully many more sunsets on the water will be witnessed as a result; in turn, reducing some blood pressure levels as well. Fun Fact: The Belgrade lakes in Maine are so large that you cannot be seen out on the water except for someone with a high powered telescope. These large lakes explain the lack of tan lines in town.

Size matters.
As my friends continue to slam Stripers and now Slammer Bluefish (slang for extra large Bluefish), my editor pointed out to me that even stricter Striped Bass limits are to be implemented on May 27th. Only Stripers under 31″ will be allowed to be kept. The 28′ minimum size limit is still in effect. That 31″ is down from under 35″ at the start of this season. What a birthday present for many of us.
Many of you will remember that last week’s article stated that most commercial caught Stripers end up in New York City restaurants. While I am not looking to deprive anyone of their livelihood, commercial limits need to be implemented more before anymore questionable limits are imposed on commercial anglers. Just how did these supposed recreational numbers obtained? If we are depriving Rhode Island recreational anglers of their support to fatten up patrons in NYC restaurants, then there is a major problem. People in Manhattan should not be getting fat on our RI Stripers!

EV Boats?
Little do people realize that we who fish from boats all will be impacted by this Green New Deal nonsense. As we are out fishing on our boats if we run low on battery power are we going to plug into the closest wave? Even worse is the thought of the hundreds of pounds of batteries required to power just a small 14′ bass boat like the one pictured. The boat pictured can pace many cabin cruiser type boats. This boat will have the speed of someone taking a casual stroll due to the pile of batteries in the hull. Forget about any room to fish in the boat due to the batteries. A typical electric golf cart holds 6 – 85 lb. batteries. That is 2 Rob Gronkowskis in the boat for weight. The boat pictured can only take 1 more person and then it is at it’s weight maximum capacity. Going forward everyone will be boating by themselves. Also of note is the slow speed golf carts travel at.

This writer’s Bass boat can outrun an impending thunderstorm very easily while up on Salmon Lake. Try outrunning a Thunderstorm in a golf cart! Very recently this writer witnessed a Tesla car being charged by a diesel powered generator. While some Internet platforms consider these allegations “FALSE” when checked by independent fact checkers – reality is it is true. Another life threatening problem is running out of battery power during rough seas. Or worse yet, trying to recharge if that capability even exist while in rough seas.
The US Navy is reluctant to refuel in rough seas why would the situation be any different for boaters in Narragansett Bay? Picture being in the middle of Moosehead Lake and the wind is blowing from the Northeast. Talk about rough. Pre-Covid while fishing with a friend on Beach Pond the engine quit. We needed to cross Beach Pond on our trolling motor. Guess what: the trolling motor is electric. It took 1 hour to cross the pond at the 3 mph speed when under gas power it would take 2.5 minutes. No thanks, I’ll stick with gas powered outboards.
Greenies say gasoline is dangerous and causes fires. Has anyone looked at the number of videos of electric vehicles burning on the Internet? Stay Safe – stick with Gasoline or Diesel fuels.

Jeffrey “Jeff” Gross spent 21 years as an Analytical Chemist at the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, Woods Hole Laboratories, and Helix Technologies. Changing careers is a “great learning experience for everyone”, Jeff says, and I’m an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, a student of the sciences, and the world. The US holds too many wonders not to take a chance and explore them”.
Jeff is the Model Train and Railroad entrepreneur. Proud Golden Retriever owner. Ultra strong Second Amendment Advocate and Constitutionalist. “Determined seeker of the truth”. Jeff is a RIFGPA Legislative and Legal Officer, Freshwater Chairman, NRA Liaison.
His subjects include Outdoors, Second Amendment, Model Railroading, and Whimsical.