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Outdoors in RI: A weekend for fishing, hunting, fun events. 2A news – Jeff Gross
by Jeff Gross, contributing writer
Fishing news…
Saltwater fishing is on the upswing as the Stripers and “Slammer” Bluefish are migrating down the coast. Numerous friends have had great success fishing in the Narragansett areas. Even “Football” Tuna, aka “Little Tunny” (False Albacore) are being caught as well.
With the weather being poor on the weekends, one might want to take a weeknight and head down to the coast for some fishing action. Apparently, we will be side-swiped by Philippe on Saturday, so this will be 16 out of the last 18 weekends it has rained. This rain schedule has been confirmed by WBZ5 out of Boston – and, of course, our own weatherman here at RINewsToday, John Donnelly.
While many of you are of the mindset that you need to pack an overnight bag to go to the East Bay, anywhere in Rhode Island is accessible in 30 minutes or less. Keep in mind out in the Mid-west and in Maine we often travel for 2-3 hours to get to our favorite fishing hole. The Rhode Island south coast is readily accessible with a little effort.
The Hunt
The powers-to-be in California are hiring helicopters and shooters to eliminate much of the deer population on Catalina Island. This is one time I agree with the animal rights people. Reportedly, the deer are being shot from helicopters and left to rot. There is absolutely no indication that anyone is harvesting the deer. Sportsmen and woman were the first conservationists in the United States, and we totally disagree with this culling method.
A single deer can feed a family of four for 3 months. The state of California’s government should have a lottery system in place so hunters can take the deer on Catalina Island and put the harvest to good use feeding their families. California’s implementation of helicopter shooting is borderline poaching. But when was the last time one saw the progressives in California do something intelligent? Thinking outside the box? The city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has a lottery for 30 Archer hunters to hunt various large parks in the area. As in so many states, Pittsburgh is now overrun with deer. Best bet is to call the Pittsburgh city hall for more information as the lottery has not yet been announced on its website.
Small game season is rapidly approaching; however, deer archers are already having great success on both sides of the bay. Some Archers have already tagged out and are awaiting the next season or are looking to hunt in Massachusetts when the Massachusetts Archery season opens. Many Rhode Island families will be eating well over the next few months, including this author, as an attempt at cooking Venison Chile will occur in the next couple of weeks.
A brush burn occurred at Nicholas Farm on October 4th according to the Fish and Wildlife Facebook page. This burn combined with the fire at Big River and the fire at Pratt Farm in Arcadia has taken 3 excellent pheasant hunting fields off the board. Pratt Farm was brush cut last year as well, so the grasses on a golf course are longer than any cover grasses at this Arcadia location. Since the other locations will have more hunters in them one may want to tune up their shotgun skills.
I just confirmed with the RI DEM range officer that the RI State Range has an informal clay bird field at the Great Swamp Range location. One can always use a little practice. Contact the State Range at Great Swamp Shooting Range | Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (
Looking for a little different outdoor activity?
The Providence Columbus Day parade is Sunday, October 7th on Federal Hill starting at Harris Ave proceeding to Dean St. Sunday and Monday are supposed to be great weather. Looking for a ghoulishly good time?
Seven Cedars Farm has their Haunted Hayride Friday, Saturday nights 7 -10 pm and Sundays 7-9 pm. You’ll be afraid of the dark afterwards See their Facebook page for more Information and access to buy tickets online. (1) Facebook
And the infamous Christopher Columbus statue will be unveiled at its new location – rescued from exile by the town of Johnston. Festivities run throughout the day with unveiling at approximately 11:30am.
2nd Amendment News
On the Second Amendment Front (2A) we gun owners are relishing in all the court successes being had. Mag Bans and Under 21 bans are being struck down at the Federal and District Level nationwide. Also in dire straits is the BATF with its unconstitutional Pistol Brace regulations. Notice I did not use the term “Law”. The BATF cannot enact laws – nor can the White House enact laws, only Congress has that ability. The landmark SCOTUS Bruen decision, combined with the Heller, MacDonald, Catano decisions have given all government officials zero flexibility in applying their own anti-gun beliefs. Anti-gun judges still to this day try to apply interest balancing judgements in an effort to “save the children”. The US Supreme court (SCOTUS) realized this, and here is their response in an excerpt from the Bruen decision:
Pre Heller and Bruen judges would defer to the determinations of legislators. And SCOTUS realized that is bad methodology, therefore The Second Amendment “is the very product of an interest balancing by the people” and it “surely elevates above all other interests the right of law-abiding, responsible citizens to use arms” for self-defense. The people is “We the People of the United States of America”. All other interests are just that, such as public safety, “saving the children” etc.
Rapidly approaching is the Rahimi oral arguments at SCOTUS. Merek Garland is trying to pull a stunt with this case as in all likelihood it will prove to be the end of firearm confiscation via restraining orders and “Red Flag” orders. Allegations are being made that Garland is looking to discredit SCOTUS with the Rahimi case.
New York, Maryland, and California passed “sensitive places” in follow up anti-gun legislation to the Bruen decision. This has drawn the complete attention of SCOTUS. The US Supreme Court appears ready to intervene in all these laws being implemented by the anti-gun mob and rapidly strike down these laws in short order. This will affect the No Concealed Carry on State Lands in Rhode Island directly as this attention was just noted at the 4th Circuit Court of appeals stating that state land gun prohibition was acceptable.
My instincts say that SCOTUS will respond with a “Oh, the hell it is”! Hence, Rhode Island’s CCW prohibition on state lands will be vacated. Keep in mind my prediction of National Constitutional Carry by the end of 2025.
Daria just coined a very applicable quote: “The only permit one needs is a Birth Certificate showing you were born in the USA”! Daria Bruno and Chas Calenda have a free class on Saturday October 7th. It is a great time to learn more about the Second Amendment.
Data tells the story
While the anti-gun people would find a way to alter or reframe the data, here is the CDC’s Top Ten causes of death for Adults using their latest, 2021, data. There is no surprise that guns don’t even make the list:
Below are the top 10 causes of death, which accounted for 75.4% of all deaths.
- Heart disease: 695,547
- Cancer: 605,213
- COVID-19: 416,893
- Accidents: 224,935
- Stroke: 162,890
- Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342
- Alzheimer’s disease: 119,399
- Diabetes: 103,294
- Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: 56,585
- Kidney disease: 54,358
Yes, indeed this a lengthy column today and just the 2A information alone warrants its own separate column. All of us involved at the national level agree it is impossible to keep track of all the litigation going on to protect the 2A. So, one last thing. There are numerous calls to throw the New Mexico Governor in jail for violating the 2A. Even some Democrats are calling for her imprisonment. Remember when this writer said the need to enforce 18 US codes 241 and 242 for 2A violators is upon us? He was scoffed and laughed at. Well guess what? Laughing/scoffing happened in 2018 when he stated that we need to hit the anti-gun mob with Pro 2A lawsuits. Now we have Pro 2A lawsuits as far as the eye can see. Yes, indeed, the age of holding ALL government officials accountable under 18 US Codes 241 and 242 is upon us. Strap in we are in for a wild ride.
See you next week… Jeff
Jeffrey “Jeff” Gross spent 21 years as an Analytical Chemist at the USCG R&D Center in Groton, Connecticut, Woods Hole Laboratories, and Helix Technologies. Changing careers is a “great learning experience for everyone”, Jeff says, and I’m an avid outdoorsman and conservationist, a student of the sciences, and the world. The US holds too many wonders not to take a chance and explore them”.
Jeff is the Model Train and Railroad entrepreneur. Proud Golden Retriever owner. Ultra strong Second Amendment Advocate and Constitutionalist. “Determined seeker of the truth”. Jeff is a RIFGPA Legislative and Legal Officer, Freshwater Chairman, NRA Liaison.
His subjects include Outdoors, Second Amendment, Model Railroading, and Whimsical.
I just hiked through the Pratt Farm last weekend and the cover looked as good or better than ever. The Nicholas Farm burn is described as a woodland unit burn, not too likely to affect the pheasant cover. I haven’t seen the Big River fire area from this past spring but unless it was a particularly intense burn it is likely to have recovered by now. Like I said I haven’t seen it, have you?
Michael, thank you for the heads up on Pratt Farm. Cogdon Mill road field south has halfway decent cover in the field only. The woodlands surrounding the field are devoid of any type of cover. If a Pheasant runs into the woods it will run forever.