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Our Networking Pick of the Week: Mass Professional Networking, in Pawtucket

Mass Professional Networking’s March Rhode Island Business Networking & Social Event will be held at Industrial Cafe/Atrium Events in Pawtucket, RI from 6:00pm – 8:00pm on Tuesday, March 18th.

All professionals are welcome whether you are simply working on building your network, looking for business leads, looking for a new job or just like to meet people. The event has a limited number of free tickets, so we ask that if you register, please plan to attend.

We will also have a limited number of vendor tables for business services with the intent to invite your connections to our event. If you like to be a vendor, simply RSVP as a Vendor.

nnPlease RSVP at to attend.

You are encouraged to bring your friends, a smile, and lots of business cards and make some great connections. Even if this is your first networking event, your hosts will make sure you make some great connections and feel very welcome. The goal is to build a great referral network for you for your success. We will have light appetizers however attendees are responsible for their drinks and food.

Directions: Rte. 1 South off Rte. 95. Put the address, 173 Coyle St. Pawtucket, RI in your GPS.

Finally, we would like you to join the Mass Professional Networking and AIMC Business Solutions groups/Business Pages on Linkedin and Facebook.

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