

Jen Brien - large

It is what it is – Jen Brien

by Jen Brien, contributing writer, commentary


Hi gang!  I’m not sure who the first one was to say this, but it’s so true… “IT’S NOT THE HEAT, IT’S THE HUMIDITY!” ENOUGH. The humidity has been relentless. I do not remember it like this last summer. At all. Good news is 65-ISH days till FALL! YAAAAAY. YEP! I’m one of those folks… I can’t wait for COOL CRISP MORNINGS!!!!

ANYHOW! I wanted to warn you this is a quick, easy column this week. I’m on a STAYCATION! but… I had to share a few thoughts on things going on because there’s just SO MUCH going on. So this week, as my dad used to say to us in his wood paneled station wagon on the way to ROCKY POINT… “sit back, relax and enjoy the RIDE”… just a little heavy lifting. By the way, I’ve been meaning to say for weeks now – thank you for reading this. I really appreciate the emails and feedback that I receive and I thank you for taking the time to see what’s swirling around my brain each week. It means more to me than you could ever know. I mean that with all my heart. NOW, enough of mushy JEN! LET’S GET TO IT! 



While this sure sounds nice and I think many of us would like it to happen… NAH – never ever, EVER going to become a reality. I mean, please. ONE BIG CABLE NETWORK couldn’t even bring themselves to say the latest news regarding TRUMP was an “assassination attempt” or even that “shots were fired” (as it broke) and we expect people to play nice in the sandbox, become decent, and tell the truth? That’s just a knee slapper. I’m laughing out loud.

Well, THEY know the situation and Images coming out of that insane ugly moment in American history only emboldens the former President and his campaign, and they can’t have that. Nope…because as JOY REID has stated repeatedly – the only object here is to “WIN”. It’s not reporting facts, the truth, or what’s best for Americans… just winning. When you have that kind of thought process all bets of UNITY are off. So… the President vomited the UNIFY message and gaslighted viewers into believing it was possible in his address to the nation… but we know what’s what out here. WE KNOW it’s all BS. Folks, in a few weeks the filth continues. Trump will be called “HITLER” again. Biden will continue to say TRUMP is in a “Bull’s eye” and the scummy attack ads will be rolled out over and over.

Politics is a filthy business. It’s full of lies, gossip, defamation, and attacks. Let’s not blow smoke and pretend it’s something it’s not. I HATE BEING TREATED like a child by politicians who think we are too stupid and lazy to know better. BTW… TRUMP, like it or not, looked like a LEADER in that moment after getting shot as he pumped his fist yelling, “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” with blood all over his face. That’s gonna get him a lot of votes. YEP, and that’s driving the Progressives crazy.



AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES THIS STUFF? I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! In August I’m going to go see one of my all time favorite ALFRED HITCHCOCK movies on the big screen as originally shown back in the 1950’s! “REAR WINDOW” is playing at Lincoln Mall in RI and it’s something the cinema has done since Covid. Well, actually, many theaters have done this since Covid, as Hollywood hasn’t been producing the same volume of new films it once had, but I’m really starting to embrace the re-release concept! I LOVE IT!

Check out movie theater websites near you to see if they offer this as well! How much fun is it to rewind time and see “THE FIFTH ELEMENT,”  “REAR WINDOW”, “TWISTER”, “A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN”, “THE LION KING”, “MATRIX”, “BLAZING SADDLES” (the list goes on and on) with killer sound on a monster screen!? Seeing these classics on the BIG SCREEN is much different than watching in your living room and MUCH BETTER all these years later as technology has made the experience even more immersive! Just wanted to pass this along guys… it’s fun. I, for one, think we need more of that right now… don’t you?



I’ve been pouring through songs trying to find the best music to run to. The GO GO’S definitely make the cut as do other great songs, but I need 6 hours worth my friends! I’m training for a marathon in October and really need your help, gang! I just want to finish this damn race. Well, finish with a semi-respectable time, and in order to do this I need GREAT HIGH ENERGY or motivating music to run to. So!

At the bottom of this column there’s a section for thoughts, comments and what not. Please leave me some suggestions if you have some time. I really value you and your opinions! BTW before anyone asks “”why the hell do I want to do this”? I’m not sure, except to say that for some reason I have always wanted to run a marathon. I would watch Bill Rodgers back in the day and be transfixed. I honestly can’t explain THIS INSANITY, it’s just “…is what it is”! Anyhow let me know! OK? 



I don’t know about you all, but as I age I’ve really changed – AND I LOVE IT! Another birthday is coming up and I wonder how you all feel about birthdays and your lives now. I do. LET ME GIVE YOU a few examples of how things have gone with me, and see if you all can relate:

Things have to be just so. I clean out my garbage bins. I drive the speed limit. I AM ALWAYS ON TIME. I don’t say what I don’t mean anymore. I don’t have time for drama and gossip. I could care less what you have; I am just super grateful for what I HAVE. I spend time on things I care about. I don’t have to say YES TO EVERYTHING and I’m not afraid to say NO. I get super vulnerable with God and cry my eyes out. I EMBRACE my childlike heart and stop allowing the enemy to steal it by saying “it’s immature”. I love doing things that make me better, and draw me closer to God. I enjoy nature and being good to people. I look at my wrinkles as warrior battle scars. I actually floss daily. I get done today what I can and refuse to be a “I’ll do it tomorrow person”. When I feel off I go to the doctor Instead of blowing it off. I ALLOW myself to make mistakes. I FORGIVE myself for the messes I’ve made. I care deeply about people (I just don’t like them… hahaha – hey, at least I ADMIT IT) I rescue every damn animal that’s injured. I trust GOD with my life and have stopped trying to force anything and everything. I talk to myself ALL DAY – OUTLOUD. I pee when I sneeze. I WATCH QVC. (what the hell!) Yep…

And so much more. Hey I might be older now, but this really is the best time of my life. I HOPE you can say the same. Comment here, or send me some email.

[email protected]

That’s all I got this week my friends. “IT IS WHAT IT IS” !!!!!!

Till next time,



Jen Brien has over 20 years of radio broadcast experience having hosted shows on WPRO and WHJJ with Ron as well as her own shows on WRKO and WBZ in Boston, WXTK on Cape Cod and WHAM in Rochester, New York. Jen was born and raised in Woonsocket and served six years in the Army MP Canine Unit.

[email protected]

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  1. Paul Marshall on July 18, 2024 at 12:57 pm

    Age…can’t stop it, might be wise to learn & adapt?
    I agree, we should change with age, I’ve learned several hard lessons: Covid taught me to put sanitation first (I bleach everything-trash cans, toilets, drains, shopping cart handles…) buy less & eat leftovers, park the car and cellphone 1-2 days a week; take time to explore; always carry dog treats-and give them to “good dogs”; visit & shop at local farms & fish docks; use a COPPERZAP when I feel a cold coming on; search for supplements that work; keep working at what I love. (And always read comments-I don’t have all the answers/im still learning the questions!
    Always keep searching.

    • Joan miesen on July 19, 2024 at 12:00 am

      MMM BOP, Call Me Maybe, The Climb & Flowers, Christmas – Darlene Love, Fantasy & All I Want For Christmas is You, Reflections- the Supremes, Step by Step, Jump

  2. Pauline DeRosa on July 17, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    How about “FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF”and “MY COUSIN VINNIE”. Classics in my book!

    I’m far enough along in my life to have been on a ‘staycation’ for quite sometime. Not giving away my age on this platform (; It has been surprising to see how my life has been occupied by so many wonderful people and activities. Time has been literally flying by!!

    Although I don’t believe it will happen, I’m hoping in time people will realize we are not enemies of each other. We must emerge with a sense of respect, and kindness and above all a level of engagement without retribution.

  3. Bob Baril on July 17, 2024 at 11:57 am

    Thanks for this very good and very real post!
    I agree about “unity” in politics. It won’t happen.
    I turn 70 in September. I can’t believe it! It SEEMS like I was just 21! Like you, I clean out my garbage bins, drive the speed limit (or at least TRY to), and always arrive on time.
    Happy Staycation to you!

  4. Linda Frattura on July 17, 2024 at 10:21 am

    My father use to say (and I believe it more today than ever) the only thing that will pull us all together is a common outside enemy I.e. a war. I believe that to be true. Everyone is very self absorbed and selfish and doesn’t give a damn about anyone else so unless or until something creates a common enemy we fight each other. I haven’t seen a new movie since Pirates of the Caribbean #3. I think this shooting bought some votes for Trump but I do believe he will be attacked again. “They” are not going to let him back in the WH if they can possibly stop it.
    I am aging myself but when I was able to exercise I did yoga to Bach and heavier exercise to the theme from Rocky and Stayin Alive-BeeGees. I told you I was old. Hope you have a great week and if this miserable weather doesn’t break I might have to break it. Take care.

  5. Laura Heinemann on July 17, 2024 at 10:09 am

    65?? It was 100 yesterday and not much lower for the foreseeable future. I live in the Appalachians and we have bears wandering around the neighborhood looking for food and water. Everything has dried up! It’s never like this!
    I don’t see unity coming any time soon… they just doubled down on the rhetoric, mostly. The vitriol is astonishing!

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