

jen brien commentary

It is what it is… (10.09.24) – Jen Brien

by Jennifer Brien, contributing writer, commentary


HERE’S a question for you that ricochets off the bumpers in MY brain every time election season comes around – WHY do celebrities think we care AT ALL about who they’re going to vote for? I mean honestly… AND THE BIGGER question then becomes – who are the insanely STUPID people listening to THAT celebrity endorsement!?

It blows me away that a human could actually be so carelessly impressionable every 4 years because a celebrity like BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN had a revelation somewhere in that “tunnel of love” and determined he’s forever a blue pill guy. Sure, he was once a working class schlub like the rest of us, but now, as he sits in his barricaded mansion, surrounded by huge walls PROTECTING HIM from ne’er-do-wells and safely writing songs about finding money to put food on the table it’s a smidge disingenuous. He’s rich – he can afford to be LIBERAL.

If you are honest (tall order these days, let’s face it) about the HAIR ON FIRE world we live in right now and the deception occurring regarding ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS ADMINISTRATION and the COUNTRY you know damn well, voting for 4 more years of this reeks of SCHIZOPHRENIA… no, it really does. NOW, don’t get triggered… if you LOVE HARRIS and her word salads and the interview she recently did on that SEX PODCAST entitled “CALL HER DADDY” (now THAT WAS HARD HITTING JOURNALISM) then more power to ya. That’s the beauty of this great nation. We have the power to make a choice.

Well, for now anyway. What I’m trying to say is celebrity endorsements are for those that are sleeping till 5pm in their parent’s basement and are scrolling on their phones all night… they are for people not easily aroused to activity… of ANY KIND (couch potatoes) and for the people who still watch MAURY POVICH SCREAM “HE”S NOT THE BABY”s FATHER” daily. I bet that group couldn’t even tell me what the 3 branches of GOVT are or name 3 sitting SUPREME COURT JUSTICES… pretty basic stuff. So onward through the fog gang… and be sure to find out who DICK VAN DYKE is voting for before he trips over that hassock one last time! Hell, his endorsement could really SWAY this election!



NANCY PELOSI would be busted for INSIDER TRADING, go to jail and show up on an episode of “LOVE AFTER LOCKUP”

I’d expose the CAITLIN CLARK holdout denying her a unanimous “ROOKIE OF THE YEAR” vote and get the explanation

I’d bring back PRINCE SPAGHETTI DAY and run the screaming “ANTHONY” ads day and night

I’d make all the people who don’t want a wall built around this country to take the front doors off to their homes so they could welcome ILLEGALS to their communities and homes, themselves

I’d OUTLAW wearing MASKS or face coverings at ANTISEMITIC protests

I’d bring back the LOVE BOAT at 9pm on a SATURDAY NIGHT followed by FANTASY ISLAND at 10pm

I’d BAN cell phones in schools

I’d bring the 80’s back for 1 year. We could all use some time without technology

I’d make the film “9 to 5” a high school requirement 

I’d race to 1980’s Chicago in a time machine and warn OPRAH she’ll be radicalized, and she’ll also learn to despise the demographic who will eventually make her a BILLIONAIRE



There’s so much going on in the world so if you missed this story, I don’t blame you. HOWEVER, ITS SO INSANE and I HAD to mention it this week. It’s not for MENSA members, but it does enlighten the masses regarding how BAT $hit crazy so much of HOLLYWOOD ROYALTY really is, and drives home how unbelievably detached from reality these people are. ALL of us along the way in life have a favorite celebrity at some point and we listen to their music or watch their films or TV shows. We are interested in the version of themselves they project routinely and jump up and pay attention when they are in the news good or bad.

Lisa Marie Presley was that person for so many people, as was her father, ELVIS. Over the years Lisa Marie was in the news more for her crazy relationships rather than any TALENT SHE POSSESSED in any way. I KNOW THAT’S HARSH and hard to hear for so many fans, BUT IT’S TRUE. Don’t shoot the messenger. She was also in the news as WAS/IS her mother PRISCILLA for the family drama that would inevitably leak out of GRACELAND and get splashed on the pages of the supermarket gossip rags. This isn’t gossip but it’s a doozy.

Before Lisa Marie died in Jan of 2023 she struggled with mental health and depression after the suicide of her son, BENJAMIN. CLIFF NOTES version is, she was incredibly close with Benjamin and contemplated suicide herself after his passing. She was so grieved, after he died and according to her memoir entitled “From Here to the Great Unknown” (which was finished by her daughter Riley), she decided “to keep his body on dry ice for two months, in a separate casitas bedroom in her home in Los Angeles”. PEOPLE, she didn’t bury him… his corpse lay there on DRY ICE in a spare bedroom! Listen, I’m not saying there’s only one way to grieve… BUT… putting his dead body in a spare room in her house. DAMN. THIS is a problem…. THING IS – she didn’t see it that way. She was totally OK with that situation and even had a tattoo artist come and view his body so she could get the same EXACT tattoos he had on his. WTH?!

Look, I’m not here to trash her… instead, what I’m trying to convey is the people you put on an altar, are not what you think. We have these ideas about things and people and that becomes our reality. Often times what WE think about someone is completely the polar opposite, and these days especially. I was really sad when PINK did an interview after Lisa Marie died and mentioned how MEAN Lisa Marie was… I NEVER would have ever thought that way about her…so, that’s my point.

So many people compare their lives to these crazy people and decide their life of mundane tasks and boring routines pales in comparison. Thing is, the life you and I have is far more enriching and meaningful than theirs in a million ways. SHE had everything and still wasn’t happy. I’d rather have little and enjoy my dog, a good cup of coffee, a personal achievement, and dinner with a friend than think its OK to put a dead relative on dry ice in my mansion. Those people live in an alternate universe that I have no interest in. Don’t compare. Comparison is the thief of joy.



I saw a REEL the other day on Facebook (a 10 sec video clip) and it was about discernment, friends, and the difference between friends who make mistakes and people who pose as a friend for whatever reason. Over the years I’ve had so many people come and go in my life. To me, it really is about phases and seasons. Some people don’t stay forever… they are not meant too. Some people arrive and then leave and then return again… still others show up and then… just leave and THOSE PEOPLE take something from you that can never be replaced. They have chipped away at your core decency, trust and kindness. It does remain when they depart, but they changed you.

Sure, we can call that GROWTH, but I call it gross. Their EXIT is typically marred by toxicity and gaslighting. Those are the people you run from. YOU keep them far away… far, far away. You eventually heal and recognize those people are in the tribe of JUDAS. They had a bad heart. They had bad ideas. They said hurtful things. They lie and deceive and betray you with a kiss or smile.

Then there are the PETERS. PETER simply had a bad day, but had a sincere and loyal heart, was good, loving, faithful and kind. While the JUDAS friends are necessary for spiritual and emotional maturity, the PETERS of the world make you the magnificent you YOU were meant to be.  The others, just thank them and forge ahead. Don’t look in the rearview mirror. You learned tremendous lessons through them but also figured out who you NEVER want to be. Think about your circle. Who DO YOU surround yourself with? 

“Peter types of friendships can be restored… Judas types…you let go for good”.

That’s all I got this week gang…”IT IS WHAT IT IS”

Praying for Florida… you are in my heart and thoughts.

Till next week my friends,



Jen Brien has over 20 years of radio broadcast experience having hosted shows on WPRO and WHJJ with Ron as well as her own shows on WRKO and WBZ in Boston, WXTK on Cape Cod and WHAM in Rochester, New York. Jen was born and raised in Woonsocket and served six years in the Army MP Canine Unit.

To read more columns and commentary by Jen, go here:

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  1. Joan Miesen on October 9, 2024 at 4:54 pm

    “Comparison is the thief of joy” Jen, you’ve knocked it out of the park with that line. Keep up the great writing!

  2. Tom C. on October 9, 2024 at 11:28 am

    Michael Jordan once said it best that Republicans buy sneakers, too. Like him, other celebrities should follow that logic and just stick to performing.

  3. Nelson Conchinha on October 9, 2024 at 10:54 am

    Good stuff! I especially liked the “I’d make all the people who don’t want a wall built around this country to take the front doors off to their homes so they could welcome ILLEGALS to their communities and homes, themselves.”

  4. Linda Frattura on October 9, 2024 at 10:06 am

    Don’t pick on Dick Van Dyke – I have lived him for a million years! You almost got me with the 3 branches of government but it was just a 4AM pre coffee blip but the three supreme court justices did (full transparency) require a second cup of coffee. Nothing to do with anything: have you ever seen the Zeffirrelli Jesus of Nazareth movie (tv movie)? Robert Powell was beyond magnificent as Christ. If you haven’t seen it I recommend it. Take care and stay ssfe.

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