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It is what it is – 1.1.25 – Jen Brien
by Jennifer Brien, contributing writer, commentary
The STATE DEPARTMENT telling HUMANS and AMERICANS AI is now an “Extinction level THREAT”
THE OLYMPIC COMMITTEE telling the world Imane Khelif ” is a biological woman”
ANYTHING that was said “OUT LOUD” on “THE VIEW”
JOY REID saying the DONALD TRUMP assassination attempt was the same as “BIDEN GETTING COVID”
(feel free to share your ideas in comments below if you’ve got some wing dinger stories!!)
Gang, last week I did something so crazy that it doesn’t even make sense… but that’s how this year ended. I’m fried. It was a hell of a year, and honestly, I’m so glad it’s over. I don’t know about you guys but I’m actually looking forward to 2025… then again, I said this same damn thing last year.
I know I mentioned this last week, but did the holidays just ZIP BY? I guess was so busy doing I didn’t get to slow down and really get into the whole thing. AT ALL. Well, anyhow, last week I went out to DOLLAR GENERAL for something and was in ZOMBIE mode. I left my house looking horrendous. NO BRA, IN PILLY SWEATS, CROCS… and… I FORGOT TO WASH the zit cream OFF MY FACE. Here I am, driving down the road and peek in the rearview and let me tell ya… I looked like ROSANNE BARR in “SHE DEVIL”. I said out loud, “HOW DID I GET HERE?”
I had to go into SEPHORA looking this way (listen I was just as horrified as you are reading this) and the girl is ringing me out and says, “are you a beauty INSIDER”? I said “lady, look at me, do I LOOK LIKE A BEAUTY INSIDER?” We had a good laugh. I’m only telling you all this because if you’re SPENT, FRIED, LOST IT at the end there of 2024 and low crawled across the finish line… YOU STILL MADE IT! YOU DID IT! You should be proud of yourself. Life is hard. it’s a grind… and even when we go through the valley just sort of wandering there for awhile in our gross sweatpants, zit cream, without answers or clear direction – we are never alone. God is right beside us. SO, ONTO 2025! Hopefully next year before NEW YEAR’S EVE I’ll get my lip waxed and get a pair of real shoes.
A few months ago, I was messing around online and came across 80’s actor COREY FELDMAN belting out his “ORIGINAL” tunes at some rock festival situation in California. I’m not sure if he was headlining, but it was painful. I sent it to a few of my friends and we all laughed and that was that… but THEN! I kept getting these crazy COREY FELDMAN “REELS” ALL THE TIME and I started getting a little hooked on the madness. The VIDEOS / REELS kept getting WORSE AND WORSE and all I was doing was laughing AT HIM and ripping him to shreds. I started feeling really badly about this and one morning when I was doing my dishes, I heard my phone BEEP and there was ANOTHER COREY FELDMAN monstrosity!!! I DID LOOK!!!! LAUGHED OUT LOUD and sent it to my friend TERI! At that moment, I said Lord, I’m so sorry I’m being so awful… I don’t want to pick on him. He’s doing what he loves and doesn’t have a care in the world… THAT’S when it HIT ME! Right between my EARBALLS (someone RON WORKED WITH AT WABC NYC used to say that…). This guy thinks he’s really a ROCK STAR! OK! SO HE GOES AND TRIES TO BE WHAT’S IN HIS HEAD! Let him! He’s out there trying and has the GUTS TO DO IT!
How many of us are afraid to put ourselves out there for fear of what people like me might say? Look, honestly, his music sucks, but he’s got 400,000 views and drives a red-hot sports car. I give this guy ALL THE CREDIT in the world… he’s got ball$. My mantra going into 2025 this year is BE LIKE FELDMAN! BE FEARLESS! BE BRAVE! AND SURROUND YOURSELF with people who won’t tell you how bad you suck. Ha. Hey, just keeping it real.
I was thinking about how I can breathe a little more easily these days heading into 2025 knowing that the country has slammed the brakes on HARDCORE INSANE WOKE IDEAS – like… DRAG QUEEN NAVY RECRUITERS, TRANS EXTREMISM, “stupid conversations and debates over WHAT a WOMAN IS”, gaslighting Americans telling them “FAT IS HEALTHY” (LIZZO – the poster child for that movement is now on OZEMPIC…. go figure)… telling women to SHUT UP and deal with men in their locker rooms, prisons, sports events, award ceremonies… etc etc etc… it’s really been exhausting.
The sane that walk among us have had to defend not letting a 5-year-old cut off his penis. We have had to defend why it’s wrong to talk to a toddler about gay sex. We have had to defend parents who want to raise their children their way with values, GOD and traditions… It’s been mind numbing. I have to tell you I sleep a lot better at night knowing this $h#t storm is over. It’s been a nightmare for rational sensible humans… I just wanted to toss this in there because WOKE IS DEAD and fact checkers can go back to scrawling things with a pen on the inside of a bathroom wall for attention. Doesn’t that make you feel GOOD? Buckle up gang, we sure are in for a hell of a ride in 2025.
That’s all I got this week folks. “IT IS WHAT IT IS”
P.S leave your comments on the bottom of this column! Find me on FACEBOOK AT Jennifer Brien, or email me [email protected]

Jen Brien has over 20 years of radio broadcast experience having hosted shows on WPRO and WHJJ with Ron as well as her own shows on WRKO and WBZ in Boston, WXTK on Cape Cod and WHAM in Rochester, New York. Jen was born and raised in Woonsocket and served six years in the Army MP Canine Unit.
To read more columns and commentary by Jen, go here:
Good stuff! I especially liked the last section.
Good read Jen!
And yes, be more like Corey!
And I will still continue to be entertained (laughing) watching him perform!
Happy New Year my friend…out with the old, in with the new ( in 20 days )
And may we make it there with no chaos
Ps….crocs?!? lol 💜
Hey Jen, I’m so tired from this last year (more like 4) that it’s after noon and I’m still chilling in bed with my cat. This winter is going to be R & R big time. Your comment to buckle up is very appropriate, because I don’t think the s$it storm is over. I think it’s just beginning. The crazies will not go quietly into the night. If you haven’t seen Bill Gates’ comments about the next pandemic, you should…..
Happy New Year. Still writing about good, true and interesting stuff.
I am not intending to offend anyone and I’m not being sacrilegious but do you ever wonder in the privacy of your own brain if God is sitting somewhere saying what the hell did i do wrong back in the day? Should I have stopped on day 5 – maybe I was tired?
I don’t think that. Satan roams like a lion. Evil exists on earth and people are godless. Seems like the perfect storm to me.