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- Damaged Vineyard Wind turbine now struck by lightning – The Nantucket Current March 4, 2025
- Mia DaPonte, 12, of East Greenwich, becomes New England’s youngest Master Scuba Diver March 4, 2025
- ART! RI250 Commission presents “Brave Men as Ever Fought”, 1st RI Regiment – TODAY March 4, 2025
- Rhode Island Weather for March 4, 2025 – Jack Donnelly March 4, 2025
- Senior Agenda Coalition of Rhode Island forum, “Uniting Voices for Meaningful Advocacy” March 4, 2025
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In the news… update for September 2, 2023
A brief outline of news events in the last week, locally, nationally, and internationally…
Somerset schools are banning talk of guns in school
ACI on lock down last Friday night due to an inmate fight
The Touro Synagogue congregation was evicted by Superior Court Justice Maureen Keough.
The “Dark Day” of 1780 in New England, thought to be heralding the end of the world, is now known to have been smoke covering the area, originating from wildfires in Canada
Gerry A. Fernandez, president and founder of the Providence-based Multicultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance, plans to retire at the end of 2023.
GI Joe’s military store in No. Attleboro that burned now said to be arson and the owner has been charged
Former Gov. Gina Raimondo is now in China on a diplomacy/business trip
Sturdy Health and Tufts Medicine have entered into a new clinical partnership
$642,000 in new federal funding for the Victim Compensation Formula Grant program, which is funded by the Crime Victims Fund to assist victims with expenses related to violent crime, including: medical, dental and counseling expenses; relocation expenses; funeral and related expenses; loss of earnings; and other expenses.
ACLU of RI filed a federal lawsuit against the Warwick Town Council saying it violated free speech rights of a local resident who was not allowed to speak at a Council meeting
Johnson & Wales University dedicated their new state-of-the-art nursing education facilities
Johnston working with RI EMA to provide assistance for tornado cleanup – especially with local cemetery – and provide financial help for residents having to remove trees, and stumps, which can be in the thousands of dollars and not covered in many cases by home owners insurance
Tufts started its first day with RAs on strike
SBA Disaster declaration approved for Block Island
Ocean State Transit bus company redirected students on the first day of school with some students being taken as far away as Warren
Couples filling out marriage certificates in Boston will no longer be required to identify their sex or gender
Franklin Rogers men’s clothing store closed in downtown Providence
Over the counter NARCAN being shipped to pharmacies for the first time today – $40 will sell 2 doses
The University of Rhode Island welcomes over 3,250 first-year students for 2023-24 a
A manhole explosion sent flames shooting into Harvard Square and disrupted traffic yesterday morning as Harvard University students moved onto campus
West Nile & EEE have been found in mosquitos in RI
A rabid coyote bit a woman in Fall River
Providence Police announces 25 drug dealing arrests after a 3-month investigation in downtown Providence near Prov. City Hall – over 17 were Providence residents – 19 arrested so far
Sumner Tunnel opened Friday
Restoration Hardware opening at Providence Place Mall
Park Cinema in Cranston is having financial difficulties – some shows have canceled
Providence has asked the state for $45 Million, over 3 years, to take over the Armory
Office of Energy Resources to Announce Launch of $25 Million Heat Pump Rebate Program
Gov. Healey calls in MA. National Guard on migrant issue
President of Yale University steps down – 11% of Yale’s admissions are legacy admissions
TF Green Airport was on lockdown for hours on Friday while a shooter threat was investigated – nothing was found
All of the Fishermen’s Advisory Board resigned from the Coastal Resources Management Council. They provide information on offshore wind development’s impact on the fishery industry.
CD1 candidate Spencer Dickinson took out a large ad in the Providence Journal to say that WPRI should “lose its license” for the “hit job” story they did on another candidate, Don Carlson, effectively causing him to withdraw from the race.
2 Providence schools delay their opening to Sept 11th due to construction projects incomplete
Brockton School Committee $14M over budget – an audit will take place
Senior Agenda Coalition of RI: The Politics of Aging – 15th Annual Conference – Expo – Oct. 10th
Register HERE:
Dollar Tree will be putting certain items behind counters or locked up or they may stop selling items they can’t keep in the store
75 dead in Johannesburg homeless apartment building fire
Rocker Alice Cooper says transgenderism has reached a “point of absurdity,”
Rotting seawood on holiday beaches in UK causing serious health concerns for fish, animals and humans
Fifa suspends Spanish FA boss over Jenni Hermosa kiss to game winner after he refuses to resign
5 people die from flesh-eating bacteria in FL
A crew has arrived in Loch Ness to research its viability
2 arrested in Greece for starting their wildfires
Thousands marked the 60th anniversary of MLK’s March on Washington
On October 4th, a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert system is planned – a tryout to ensure everything is working correctly “in the event of a big, national disaster or attack.”
Schwab is closing offices in Atlanta, San Antonio, San Diego, St. Louis and Tampa, Florida, and approximately 5% of its staff. More cuts to real estate will occur in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Henderson, Nevada, where they will be closing floors or offices and relocating people to offices in a similar geography in those cities.
More than 4,600 Tyson workers are being cut in four states this year and next.
$1Million given by state of Florida to Florida university to provide for security, given shootings in recent past
Nordstrom’s closes its San Francisco flagship store after 35 years. Proposals have included opening a soccer stadium and nonprofit arts programs.
One of the Tennessee 3 that was censured before in the state house, has been censured again.
President will not participate in any of the national 9-11 events – but spend it with military families in Alaska – VP will go to Manhattan – Mrs. Biden will go to Pentagon
The first report of missing Indigenous people estimates approx. 288 in Alaska
China to no longer require COVID tests for arriving visitors
Companies and prominent CEOs are pushing back against remote work, but executives still believe remote work is likely to rise in the long term — and have effects on office space.
US releases list of 10 drugs that will be under negotiation. Lower prices would take effect in 2026 depending on the talks between the U.S. and drugmakers and the outcome of industry lawsuits
Female professors sue Vassar College for wage discrimination
$12 billion to be given to encourage EV auto production
Walmart posted a video debuting their new shopping cart – complete with a phone holder, cup holder and made slightly taller, all “for a more comfortable shopping experience”
US Open attendees complaining about the overwhelming smell of marijuana on the grounds.
Updated COVID boosters available later in September
The Turkish-Dutch airline Corendon has announced the creation of a child-free zone on some of their flights, which will be ideal for business class travelers and childless passengers, they say.
Federal officials say FEMA funds are running low responding to so many emergency situations – the president is requesting $4 billion more.
US govt wants to implement its planned “minimum staffing” mandates for nursing homes – strongly opposed by the industry and enters into a period of public comment.

Jimmy Buffet, 76
Mohamed Al Fayed, 94, father of son killed with Princess Diana in a car crash, and former Harrod’s casino owner
Joe the Plumber, 49, 2008 campaign icon, of pancreatic cancer
Arleen Sorkin, 67, Batman actress, DC comic voice, Calliope Jones on “Days of Our Lives.”