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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – a day of service, honor
This year MLK Day seems more significant than ever. Maybe it’s because we’ve come through a year of racial tension and unrest. Maybe it’s because of the political climate that has torn the country apart. But tomorrow is a day to stop and honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Whether you choose a day of “pause”, which can be so restorative, personally, or a day of activity in recognition and service, Monday is a day not to gloss over as a “day off”.
Here’s some thoughts for you and your family.
In 1994, Congress passed the King Holiday and Service Act, designating the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday as a national day of service. MLK Day of Service is the only federal holiday observed as a national day of service – a “day on, not a day off”
In the Blackstone Valley:

Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful has some suggestions.
You can simply get outside and do a small cleanup on your street, neighborhood, or nearby open lot on this (or any day)!
Small actions also matter and by sharing a social media post about helping the environment with your friends using #GreenBlackstone for them to share or talking to your children about litter, we can increase the reach of these important messages. Big actions are always welcome too, such as joining a cleanup or organizing a litter cleanup with your school, scout group or office is easy… and Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful is here to help if you need. You can also offer ideas for meaningful projects KBVB might partner on, or maybe consider sharing your knowledge to expand their understanding of important environmental issues.
You can sign up today to become a Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful volunteer HERE
Woonsocket Harris Public Library has Martin Luther King Jr. Take and Make Craft Kits.
The Woonsocket MLK Community Committee is hosting on Monday, January 18 @ 2:00 pm a virtual Community Conversation in Civil Rights.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Virtual Celebration with the City of Central Falls will be held on Monday, January 18, at 5:00 .
From Dr. Michael Fine:
“Our culture is out of control. Cell phones which allow no privacy. Sexting and hook-ups. Video games that confuse reality with violent sexualized fantasies. Narcissism. Consumerism. Isolation. Arrogance. Greed. Fractured families, in which people who should only love one another don’t speak because of politics, because of the division and discord dreamed up by people with something to sell, in the interest of profit which has become the only value of our culture. We no longer think about the right thing to do. We are completely focused on the upside, on the business model, how any and every thought and idea can be monetized, on what’s in it for me, not on what is best for one another and for our democracy.
Scratch us, and we are decent people. Kind people. Respectful people. Caring people. People who believe deeply in the very democracy that is slipping through our fingers.
What is to be done?
It is time to hit the pause button. To take a step backward. To listen instead of speak. To walk instead of run. To think about repentance for what we’ve thought and done as each of us, trying to find the best path, have missed the mark. To make space for other people, with other ideas. To seek reconciliation before it is too late.
Some of us want to focus on Donald J. Trump, the President. Others want to focus on Joe Biden, the President-elect. We think it is time to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and a host of other brave men and women of all colors and kinds, from all traditions, who said and say the same thing, over and over again. Feed the hungry. Cloth the naked. House the homeless. Let justice well up as the waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream. Dr King himself said the “a riot is the language of the unheard,” that “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” and that “we must learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools.” We would do well to listen close and listen now.
Let’s honor his memory and use his day to heal this nation. Let’s fast and fall silent, listening for the still small voice of that which remains great within us. Let’s gather and walk, in every city and town, silently. Let’s reflect on our own transgressions before our passions push this nation, and our democracy, over the edge.
We fasted and walked on January 15. We hope you will find a way to honor Dr. King and reflect on healing in this country, today.
Michael Fine
Marcus Mitchell
In Pawtucket

The City of Pawtucket, Project Health CV, YMCA of Pawtucket, Mixed Magic Theatre and the Pawtucket Foundation with donations from the Pawtucket-Central Falls Health Equity Zone will host a service day in remembrance of the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and be providing over 20,000 FREE masks for the community. No information will be asked! Please see flyer for more details. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dedication to service and community is an example to all of us to how we should serve our community especially during the pandemic.
At the MLK Center in Newport

In celebration of Dr. King’s 92nd birthday, the MLK Center will hold a special MLK Day Grab ‘n Go meal on Monday, January 18th (MLK Day) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in service for those in need and to celebrate his life. A festive meal and sides will be served, plus a delicious dessert treat. Masks required, and no eating on-site permitted. Please note that all Grab ‘n Go meals have moved around the corner to our Edward St. entrance for the colder months ahead.
With Stages of Freedom

Attend “Where Do We Go From Here” – a free 4-day Webinar & Film Festival – January 15 – 18, 2021
17 Virtual Events to Celebrate MLK’s Legacy with Your Kids.

The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is an official day of service and celebrates the civil rights leader’s life and legacy.
Observed each year on the third Monday in January as “a day on, not a day off,” MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. AmeriCorps has been charged with leading this effort for the past quarter century.
AmeriCorps is collaborating with the Presidential Inaugural Committee on the MLK National Day of Service.
Together we encourage you to engage in volunteer service in honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. If you are hosting a service project, please register it on the Presidential Inaugural website. Make a commitment to serve in your community on MLK Day and throughout 2021.

Monday, January 18 – 9am – 8pm EST
Virtual event – Join from anywhere – Hosted in Warwick, RI
About this event
With all basic public health precautions taking place, we thought that our advocacy to the public at-large we be to have a Card & Note Writing Campaign to have people adopt their local First-Responders, area Hospital Personnel for such dedication and Patients befallen with the Virus tolerating such adversity as a ‘caring’ method to celebrate service to community.

On January 18, 2021, thousands of volunteers across the country will participate in the National Day of Service – an opportunity for all Americans to unite and serve at a time when the global pandemic calls on us to work together and support our communities. The day will culminate in an hour-long celebration that will feature a diverse array of entertainers, inspiring speakers, and stories of service celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to service.
Special guests include Aloe Blacc, Rev. Dr. Bernice King, Martin Luther King III, Chesca, Rep. Sharice Davids, Rosario Dawson, Andra Day, Yo-Yo Ma, Rev. Al Sharpton, Sean Patrick Thomas, Diane Warren, Lynn Whitfield, Bebe Winans, and more.
Rhode Island Martin Luther King Jr. celebration goes virtual.

Here’s how to watch:
Rhode Island Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission in the midst of Covid 19, delivers Rhode Island residents a Celebration virtually.
The Celebration will feature musical selections by RPM Voices. Award presentation includes the Living Dream Award to former State Senator Harold Metts and Community Service Award recipient is former Richmond Town Councilor B. Joe Reddish III. The Dr. King essay contest winners will also be presented during the virtual
The Celebration will air for two weeks beginning Monday, January 18 at 7p.m. on Capitol TV, Cox Channel 15 and Verizon Channel 34. Viewers can also live stream the presentation on TV on Channel 1.
Martin Luther King, Jr. State Holiday Commission was created administer, in conjunction with the federal Martin Luther King Day Commission and the Martin Luther King Center for Non-Violent Social Change, an appropriate celebration to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the annual observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, which is observed on the third Monday in January each year.