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Homeless in RI: Year over year increase says report. 34.9% up over last year. 30 days to winter.

Photo: Pamela Bhatia, Artistic Images

It is 30 days before the 1st day of Winter – this morning the temperature was 38 degrees

The State of Homelessness Sheds Light On A Solution-Oriented Future

The Rhode Island Coalition to End Homelessness hosted the 2024 State of Homelessness event at CIC Providence. Presented were current data and an outline of their solutions to prevent and end homelessness. The presentation was led by Board Chair Susan Gunter and Executive Director Kimberly Simmons.

“With a growing number of people experiencing homelessness and limited resources, we must continue to work together to address barriers and be housing-focused,” Simmons remarked.

Sen. Jack Reed addressed the group via a video message where he stated his commitment to solving the housing crisis. He commended the work of the Coalition, saying, “I am laser-focused on securing more funding for our advocates on the ground,” Reed said.

“This year, the state of housing, high cost of rent and homeownership, is a national topic for both sides of the aisle,” Reed said. “I am hoping that this newfound attention will push Congress to make substantial investments that are long overdue. I am committed to working with each of you to find innovative solutions and to ensure we have the resources to put those solutions to work.”

The Coalition’s Voices of Homelessness speaker, Wilma Smith, shared her story of her lived experience and journey to getting back on her feet. “We need to be humane when connecting people with the problem, and have a compassionate approach toward those experiencing homelessness,” Smith said. “No one asked to be put in that position; it’s not a blame game.”

About The Rhode Island Coalition to End Homelessness

The Rhode Island Coalition to End Homelessness works collaboratively with advocates, providers, and faith-based organizations to create and advance lasting solutions to prevent and end homelessness. Notably, the Coalition, alongside advocates and constituents, lobbied and successfully passed the country’s first Homeless Bill of Rights in June of 2012.Learn more at          

Here is the report:

A city skyline with the words " welcome to the state homeless ".
A graph showing the rise of homelessness in america.
A graphic of the contributing factors for housing costs in rhode island.
A graphic of the number of people in person who are under shelter.

To read the full report:


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  1. Nancy Krahe on November 21, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    Homeownership is important for low income people to build wealth…. but the most pressing need in all of this (to stop the bleeding) is to get people into a home….for safety, stability and security. It’s a human right!,