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Homeless in RI: Rico froze to death on North Main St. in Providence – Janice Luongo, Street Sights
by Janice Luongo, Editor, Street Sights
One day I was driving down Smith Street in Providence, and I saw a man sitting in an alcove with no coat on. I pulled over and got a coat from my car (I keep several there, in cold weather) and walked up to give it to him.
I asked how I can help. “What’s your name?” He said his name was Rico. It was freezing out. I asked him what was going on, and he said he wanted a cup of coffee. From there it was a short but intense conversation.
He was a gentle soul, looked rough, and I knew I needed to do something. I paid for him to have his coffee and breakfast. I wanted to take him to Mathewson Street Church, but he said he was all set. When that happens, I know there is little I could do. I was hoping for more, but we have to abide by what they want, not what I wanted. I said I would be back shortly, and left.
Next time I found him in the laundromat, he was washing his clothes because someone else came by to help, and that’s what he wanted. I was happy he was at least inside.
It went like that for a couple of weeks, and then I couldn’t find him. I drove around and asked people, but nothing. I got the news that they found someone frozen to death, over near North Main Street. I didn’t want to believe it was him. I only had his first name. Everyone knew Rico, but not his last name (this often happens).
I called the state morgue, and because I wasn’t family they couldn’t give me any info. Next time I will say I’m family. I told the woman the story and described Rico. Nothing. Next, I called the Providence Police station trying to find out who found him. Couldn’t get much information, but I found out that many people are found with no name, and they are left at the morgue for a certain time, and then buried in lots for the unidentified, unclaimed, or poor.
How sad. So I went back to the morgue, and found out it was him, and that his family had come to claim the body. And I sobbed. For the loss of a sweet soul who didn’t deserve to die this way. I went to the wake and met his father and other family members.
The loss of Rico has caused me to fight even harder. Now I am on a mission to find out who was his outreach worker or case worker? Kim, the Executive Director of the Coalition is tracking down if he was part of the Point in Time count the night he died – or not, Who was in that area doing it – counting?
What needs to be done to prevent this ever happening again?
The Governor and everyone up in the RI State House is responsible, as far as I’m concerned. Also, the Providence Mayor and the Providence City Council are responsible, for not providing adequate housing for those most vulnerable.
They all talk about affordable housing. Building, building, and more building. But my one and only question is – WHAT ABOUT TONIGHT?
Building homes and sheltering the homeless are two separate issues. Wake up everyone and know the difference.
We need you to join us in this fight.
We need a state of emergency, now!
Want to help, contact [email protected] –
Janice Luongo, Editor

Street Sights can trace its early beginnings to 1999 when a Brown University student doing research on street newspapers, thought the Providence homeless community might be served by such much-needed information, as well as an opportunity for self-expression. It has been published for approximately 16 years, beginning in 2007, as the first magazine written by and for the homeless population. It began as a weekly single sheet of purposeful and inspirational information distributed at agencies and newsstands, in tents, backpacks and the pockets of individuals who are unhoused. It can be found in every community. In recent time it has become a digital format, accessible by anyone using a computer, or cell phone.
Our publication with RINewsToday is a way to reach more people – and more audiences – with vital messages from and on behalf of our brothers and sisters.
Street Sights serves as a forum for advocates, unhoused and formerly-unhoused, people, students, state officials, and the general public to share accurate and honest information about issues relating to homelessness.
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These people like living like that.. like u said he refused ur offer for shelter not only that the building he sat infront of Charles gate was a shelter you’ll keep fighting for people who can careless about a roof fight for those who have a roof and need assistance fight for lower rent and bill ….. fighting for people to get free housing whit no income is wild fight for them to get a job there families who don’t allow them in need to be held accountable not congress not state representatives…..stop letting the homeless fool yall I worked in providence shelters and those folks don’t wanna roof they all like the fact of paying no bills getting free government assistance without lifting a finger shit I’d go homeless to if yall willing to pay for my room and board
Chole, we are having a zoom meeting this Monday if you are interested send me your email please.
My daughter and I fed Ricko several times while he was sitting at the bus stop I will get a breakfast meal with a hot coffee from McDonald’s when we would go there ourselves or even if I was shopping at Whole Foods, and saw him sitting out there and it was either extremely cold or extremely hot. He got a coffee or cold drink if I couldn’t afford a meal. i’ve known him for about 20 years are used to date his cousin Anthony, and his other cousin Gary Sneed used to live in Lockwood with me and he was not as bad off with his mental health back. Then he wasn’t what we would consider normal, but he was nothing like he was when he passed away and froze to death, all of this could’ve been avoided it’s a shame that that night when it was so cold all those Providence Center mental health workers drove right past him on N. Main St. to go home that night so they’re warm beds and not one of them made him go to wall warming shelter l cause he was a patient there at one time so they definitely knew who he was. The blood should be on their hands whoever saw him and rode right by and if he refused to go and call the police of the ambulance because that literally was a life and death situation come on now we all know how cold it was gonna be that night, and for Rhode Island to open the pallet shelters two days after he froze to death is a damn shame and shame on you for putting up foliage in trees, instead of getting that place open for the homeless shame on you
TY for sharing that – It is such a tragedy by any measure.
No one should have to die like this in the Richest country on the planet Regardless of a persons circumstances Dignity should be afforded to all . As far As the Amory it seems like keeping it reserved for Hollywood is more important then affording it for the homeless. Not to mention the revenue generated from the movie sets there How much of that money is going into providence communities and addressing homelessness ? SMH Unfortunately these disparities that is systemic continue to plague impoverish communities and the most vulnerable.
The worst part is I was talking to him hours before, I asked if he was good, gave him a couple of dollars,as he said he was about to take the bus to the Eastside….the bad part about all this is, people will judge and make complaints, for the record though,Rico was intelligent and talented….He just fell Victim to this states harsh caring policies….And for y’all who don’t know Rico – He was not a drug addict.He had mental issues and Should have been helped before this incident, Not after….
Good evening. Was this the man who was living at the bus stop on North Main st at Charlesgate apartment complex. We have seen him there for over a year and a half and now we don’t.
No. Different person.
Janice your a blessing.. ❤️❤️❤️
So sad it is they should do more for the homeless I don’t think anyone would want to be living in the cold the feeling 😁 crazy and ridiculous I know how it feels I was homeless living in a cold car in dead winter 7mths pregnant and was in a domestic relationship couldn’t get no help anywhere shelters we’re full not fun at all now I’m doing good thanks to the man up stairs amen and my child is healthy as can be🙏❤️
The alcove you found him in is at my job. I gave him food. It was terrible to hear that froze to death.
What is happening with those shed shelters they are building off 95 near Victor St?
They have looked finished for several months every time I drive by, but are they still empty?
They are actually having a ribbon cutting today at 11:30 at Echo Village. The plan is to begin moving people in starting “as early as Wednesday” a few at a time until it is filled – about 40-45 individuals.
It’s a sad world we need go fight
I didn’t know this man but I rode the bus with him many many times. I’m very sad for him that he died like that.
My mom, who passed in April of last year used to feed Rico and a friend of his when they would sit by her apartments on North Main street for a couple of years, just sandwiches, snacks and sometimes leftovers, they were always grateful but never expected it or asked for more. My mom was a pushy lady who didnt ask first she just broughr it to them. She also gave them blankets and water bottles and called the police sometimes for wellness checks bc they’d sleep at the bus stops some days and it would be so cold she worried they’d freeze in broad daylight! Rest his soul. I’m so glad to have had a mom who was fortunate to provide just a little bit when she could, especially for someone who meant so much to so many.
it appears to be stated RICO had patents. They could not offer him warm shelter? There is Project Weber, the catholic diocese of providence helps many homeless people. United Way, Amos House, there is a new facility in Pawtucket opened for homeless people. McCauley House. There is a major housing crisis throughout our country. There are to many people who have experienced great sadness along with financial distress. RI doesn’t have the monetary resources to conquer this problem. It is a state that has misused billions of federal dollars to fill the pockets of many companies that the state fed contracts to and ended of screwing all the taxpayers with these ill judgements. However people continue to vote in the very same people who continue to bury the State of RI. Look at all the people with top management positions who have continued to make ill decisions at the cost of these poor people. It won’t ever change because politics has always been to dirty. Just get used to it.
It saddens me that he had family and was still in this situation.
Family help is so often refused by the unsheltered for reasons that are sometimes hard for us to understand. It is not usually because the family just doesn’t care.
Thank you for being kind to him, in a world that was not so kind to him. Rico was a harmless soul. I’m devastated to hear the news of his passing. RIP Rico
Peace and blessings
Thanks for your efforts. Rico was a lifelong friend of mine. We have so many memories. I was joking with him about basketball. He asked me if I was still nice and I told him he wasn’t ready for me lol. We used to rap in the barbershop all the time. Our other friend Kev just put the video on Facebook. Our friend Jayar🤲🏾Our friend Oscar 🤲🏾 and now Rico 🤲🏾 all in the same video. Rico was good at basketball and rapping. Love you Ric.
Boo Hackney
This was so beyond heartbreaking to read. But it did bring me joy to know that Street Sights is still around! I used to volunteer as a poetry writer at first and then did a few articles back in high school when Stan was editor. Glad to see there are still good souls running it.
It is our honor to print Street Sights in our publication when it comes out – about once a month – with Janice. Look for it, here.
Please tell me what we can do to help other people like him I would love to help . Whether it’s bringing them meals or trying to raise money or having ppl donate clothes 🙏
You did your best. God will bless you for your kind heart!❤️
I hear the governor n the Mayor often on the 63WPRO talking with Gene Valicenti n Tara Greniheim n Speaker if the House Joe Sacharchi n look what has happened. The She-sheds are still not a viable source of shelter after over a million n half dollars pissed away on codes,rules n guidelines that even mobile homes need not to apply. Governor like Trump you can override such bullshit immediately with state of emergency action. Blood on your hands sirs.
One person is to many to die in the cold without housing…Why can’t the churches, schools, open there doors so these people have a warm place to sleep?? This state is heart-less…
There is building on Pontiac Ave way up towards Mayfield Ave that could be renovated for homeless people but it just sits there’decaying away
After reading this my heart just went numb .. I knew his mom and know his dad .. my heart goes out to them with many condolences 💐.. I remember when Rico was born I never could imagine his life would be so hurtful for anyone have to go through life homeless not knowing where your next meal where to take showers.. it’s very heartbreaking.. yes as a village we really need to stop turning our heads to the homeless and try our hardest to imagine being in there shoes ..
I am a outreach worker, and I have done the same thing, only thing is I knew Rico we grew up together, heartbroken is not even the word, so many of my unhoused people always get the bad end of the deal , rest up Rico 🙏🏽
Rico was a client of mines, seems like a decade ago. Rico needed help for years. His family and I tried several times to get him inside. Rico was strong spirited and wouldn’t do anything he didn’t want to. But to freeze to death so close to The Providence Center blows my mind. He should have been a priority not a casualty. I left the homeless community to join the Mental Health Network. People don’t choose to be homeless. There is a story behind each person. I’d like to set up a candlelight vigil for Rico. His life mattered to everyone who had the privilege to meet him. Gentle Giant with Locks. 🥰
Whatever happened to the Cranston Street Armory Project? Where’s all the money McKee said was available for RI housing and shelters. They messed up royally on the deal with the armory, but where’s the money that was earmarked for the project? I’m sorry I voted for him…
The building stands empty.
Thank you, Janice, for everything you did.
I am homeless aswell and was in a domestic relationship and they still said all shelters are full I have been sleeping in my car with no help but some from fb groups for self care items but it’s not enough I’m barely surviving if anybody has more help or more resources my number is (401) 871-7559
Sarah – please be careful with people offering help. What city do you live in if I may ask?
Sarah there is a women’s shelter on west shore Rd. Warwick please check it out. It’s to cold to sleep outside even in your car is just dangerous.
Please be safe.
Please find my son, he has a tent somewhere near North Main St. His name is Anthony very thin. Please get every homeless person out of the cold and make them feel safe!!
omg this is heartbreaking. the State needs to do better for the homeless.
Thank you Janice, for telling us about Rico, someone you reached out to and made real for all of us. I agree, we are all responsible for protecting the unsheltered homeless. Why won’t Governor McGee, Acting Director Goddard and Mayor Smiley see this as a human crisis, a life-taking emergency? Against an increasing national disregard for poor people, poor immigrants and homeless. Time to take action!
God bless you this state need to do. So. Much more for people afford able rents safe places,to go some people are scared to go to shelter afraid they will be hurt or loose there stuff
This is life or death for so many people. Men, woman, and children 🥹 🙏🏼