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Hasbro. Now everyone is an expert – John J. “Jack” Partridge
by John J. “Jack” Partridge, contributing writer, commentary
Since Christmas week, it seems every Rhode Island politician has a suggestion for Hasbro management as to where the company should be headquartered, everywhere but Boston, that is.
The cries are well intended but unlikely not to produce positive results, and demonstrates a Rhode Island problem in political trust and leadership. We wait until a problem confronts the state, before marshaling the best ideas before the problem is acute, and we have time to get to work on realistic alternatives and solutions. Hasbro signaled its potential move years ago, but RI dropped the ball in understanding how the state might satisfy the company’s corporate vision and needs and not make scattershot, uninformed, last minute suggestions.
What does any large organization do to promote a warm relationship with an important client? It stays in close personal contact with whomever the decision makers are at any one time, and not just roll the dice on last minute alternatives – and pleas as to corporate heritage. It is not enough to say ”my door is always open for you “, if indeed, we can question if that even happened in this case.
To be fair, I have my own idea for a location and that is the Apex site on the river in downtown Pawtucket. That works for a high rise location if other issues are resolved. The new train station with frequent access to Boston is a plus for the location. The site is closer to Boston in terms of time of commute and ease, than many cites in the metropolitan Boston area, especially in terms of commuter time and distance.
While there is little we can do about our geographic location, we should recognize that our failure to have a public school system equal to that of Massachusetts (that would make executives swoon about hiring and residences), if we do nothing about the issue of public education, other large employers will also seek greener pastures.
Don’t listen to our myopic leaders excuse that our housing costs tip the location decision away to other locations (just check the costs in any competing location and you will find we are not alone in record housing expense).
Further, the financial corporate bottom line is likely not much affected by a move to Massachusetts, for example; presumedly RI would match reasonable tax and other incentives comparable to what is offered elsewhere. And importantly, the company is not talking about a few pennies a share in next year’s earnings, but how the right location helps its various divisions prosper by working collaboratively. Being comfortable with the record and perspective of people running the state is also important. The company rightly should expect our leadership to understand what the company brings to the table in terms of jobs and the future economy here. One reason Gina likely hit it off with Hasbro was her understanding of the business decision process.
We have to ask ourselves does the state have the political leadership or professional talent to court an important employer? And why does everything get lost in politics and non-serious calls that confuse the issues and are ridiculed internally by the company in a time of new company leadership seeking a location that fits its needs?
If Hasbro does leave, it would be a blow to the state’s reputation and Rhode Island would deserve it. Maybe Rhode Island could ask for a consolation prize and get support for a ”HasbroLand Park” here, like a “LEGOLAND” park. the company certainly has the creative chops for such an endeavor. I can envision the Transformers and the Monopoly characters and other Hasbro action figures in fun and games at HasbroLand. And as a place to try new initiatives.
To read more columns by Jack Partridge, go to:

John J. ‘Jack’ Partridge, is a retired lawyer and Senior Counsel to the firm of Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP, with four offices in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.A Pawtucket native, Jack graduated from St. Raphael Academy and summa cum laude of Providence College, where he majored in history. After Harvard Law School, he served in the United States Army in Vietnam, where he was awarded the Joint Service Commendation Medal. In 1967, he joined the firm of Tillinghast Collins & Tanner. In 1988, he became a founding partner of Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP.
Jack has been engaged in many civic, political, governmental, and business organizations, serving as legal counsel to the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce for 27 years and was chairman of the Old Slater Mill Association, Common Cause Rhode Island, and Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island.
He is the co-founder of The Pawtucket Foundation and an officer and director of innumerable not-for-profit entities. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Pawtucket Boys & Girls Club and was Treasurer of the Ocean State Charities Trust.
Jack has a long history of leadership involvement with Providence College, which recognized him in 1999 with the Providence College Alumni Association Recognition Award for Public and Community Service, and in 2011, with an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.
He is married to the former Regina McDonald and has three children: Sarah, Gregory and David.

I’m all set for HasbroLand. Tell them Monopoly Man is on standby. I’m not going anywhere – RI is my home!
I failed to focus on the rI employees and the issue of finding comparable housing inthe boston area ( it doesn’t exist( except in exurbia) but to be realistic corporate moves rarely consider suhc an issue, Suppose the execs decided on Texasor California? you would have to suck it up or resign. butdon’t give up on Rhody yet. maybe the execs will find value here.the fat lady hasn’t sung yet.
Yes! Mayor of Fall River was saying that 3-tenements – because of the train – are now selling for $600K, etc. and “if this keeps going we’ll be as expensive as Nantucket.
The cries are well intended but unlikely not to produce positive results, and demonstrates a Rhode Island problem in political trust and leadership
Am I readiing this incorrectly, but why use a double negative to state a point. after re reading this over ten times I think he means it is LIKELY to happen.
Massachusetts has turnkey, modern office spaces suited for billion dollar corporations. Rhode Island has pretty pictures and a promise to build. Barrington and East Greenwich are the towns many corporate transplant families move to yet the state has cut funding which affects taxes and aging schools. Lastly, any account manager at any company who would be fired if they dropped the ball like RI leadership has dropped the ball building a preemptive dialogue with Hasbro.
Jack makes a reasonable argument regarding the infrastructure of offices in Boston, but what about the impact on the employees? Many have settled in RI with reasonable (compared to Boston) rents/mortgages. Now they would have a choice of selling their RI property (which means buying a smaller house in the Boston market) or taking the commuter train to Boston daily. Having been a veteran of the “cattle cars” traveling to Boston for almost a year, it can wear you down quickly.
How many employees would just walk away?