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Coronavirus Update – Today, April 27, 2020
Photo: “Baby Heads” Installation at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
As states open up their economy, the country will get to see what the result is. Watching, in particular, will be George, Michigan, South Carolina, and Florida.
More and more pressure comes from the states and European nations to reopen their economies.
Mexico has almost entirely cleared out its migrant shelters to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, returning 3,653 migrants to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
Dr Birx says social distancing will continue through summer.
Italy says professional soccer can resume practice on May 18
SBA to open for PPP applications this morning.
Famotidine, the active ingredient in Pepcid, is being studied for treatment uses for the coronavirus.
Zillow allows 5,000 employees to work from home for the rest of the year.
Italy plans opening May 4th
Pope Francis says that while we are fighting the coronavirus pandemic, we must also continue our efforts to prevent and treat malaria, which threatens billions of people in many countries.
California will begin delivering a healthy, hot meal to seniors in need, using restaurants, which will be paid.
Airline workers union call for a ban on travel for pleasure – while requiring flight attendants to wear a mask is a regulation, no such regulation exists for passengers.
80% of India’s small businesses expect to permanently close.
Tennessee Mississippi and Montana begin to open businesses today.
The WHO comes out with their 2nd distressing message – there is no evidence that those who have had coronavirus cannot get it again. Yesterday, the WHO said the virus can last in the open for 3 hours.
The Best Western hotels in Germany are advertising “office space rooms” for rent – where people who have been on home quarantine can come to work – complete with high speed internet, a desk, etc.
In Spain, children under 14 were allowed to go outside – later this week, people will be allowed to take walks.
Census delays due to the coronavirus will cause states with possible redistricting to delay that step, possibly impacting elections.
New York – Pause until May 15th – Phase 1 will be construction & manufacturing companies. Phase 2 would be business by business analysis (essential? risky? how important?) – and businesses will do that analysis – safeguards, etc. Two weeks between phases. Caveat: can’t do anything in one region that would bring more people from outside into that region – includes multi-state coordination. Phase 3 would be general businesses – conference rooms, workstations, etc. Needs activities for families in downstate NY for the summer with children – special attention for public housing, lower income communities. More childcare, more food banks,
Longmeadow, MA Hasbro factory is making tens of thousands of face masks.
Brown University president Christina Paxson wrote in a letter printed in the New York Times that reopening college campuses this fall must be a national priority.
The Boston Globe Sunday issue carried 21 pages of obituaries.
Barre Town, Vermont plans to hold a “drive-thru” election rather than have voters cast ballots by mail in its annual election in June.
Rhode Island Data – 4-26-2020
11 new deaths – 226 total deaths
310 new positive cases – 7,439 total positives
45,964 total negative cases
2,512 total tested, prior day
53,403 total tested
258 in hospital, 78 in ICU, 58 on ventilators, 433 hospital discharges
11 new deaths: 1 in 50s, 4 in 70s, 1 in 80s, 5 in 90s – 10 from nursing homes

Governor’s Press Conference
Today is a good day – saw a decrease. (Note: Percentage was same – 12% of those tested)
Waterfire has put out a virtual arts exhibit at their website.
RI Veterans Home – sick resident has left and doing a thorough contact tracing for him. All other staff and residents are being tested. National Guard team for additional support. 4 staff members are positive.
In general mask compliance has been very good. No violations, to date.
As we open up the state, we know that some kind of “border patrol” will be necessary to make opening up work – more info next week or the next – more contact tracing, social distancing, and anyone coming to RI has to obey our rules.
Our first patient was 119 days ago – we, so far, have not seen a patient test positive twice, but the timeframe is too short.
RI acquired from SD Biosensor 20,000 antibody tests – they are being verified.
Merrow Co. of Fall River will be making and donating 3,000 gowns to RI.
A contemplative moment – please make sure your speakers are on…

Come back at night, too.