

tuscan panzanella salad

Ask Chef Walter: Ready for Heirlooms? The Tuscan Panzanella Salad – Walter Potenza

by Executive Chef Walter Potenza, contributing writer


Panzanella, a classic Tuscan salad, is a vibrant and refreshing dish that captures the essence of summer. Originating from Italy’s Tuscany region, this salad is a delightful combination of stale bread, ripe tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, and aromatic herbs, all brought together by a tangy vinaigrette. It’s a perfect example of how simple ingredients can create something extraordinary. Let’s dive into the history, ingredients, and a step-by-step recipe to make this delicious salad at home.

History and Origins

Panzanella dates back to the 16th century and was initially a way for Tuscan farmers to use up stale bread. In its early form, panzanella was a mixture of bread and onions. Still, after tomatoes were introduced to Italy, tomatoes became a key ingredient. The dish is a testament to the Italian philosophy of “cucina povera,” or “poor cooking,” where humble ingredients are transformed into something delicious and satisfying.

Key Ingredients

The beauty of Panzanella lies in its simplicity and the quality of its ingredients. Here are the essential components:

  1. Stale Bread: Traditionally, unsalted Tuscan bread is used, but any crusty, rustic bread will work. The bread should be a day or two old.
  2. Tomatoes: Use the ripest, juiciest tomatoes you can find. Heirloom varieties add extra color and flavor.
  3. Cucumbers: Fresh cucumbers add crunch and a refreshing taste.
  4. Red Onion: Provides a mild, tangy bite when thinly sliced.
  5. Basil: Fresh basil leaves add a fragrant, herbal note.
  6. Vinaigrette: A simple mixture of olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper ties everything together.

The luxury of fresh garden tomatoes

One of the true luxuries of the summer season is the abundance of fresh garden tomatoes. Whether you grow them yourself or purchase them from a local farmer’s market, the flavor of a perfectly ripe, sun-warmed tomato is unparalleled. These tomatoes are the heart of a Panzanella salad, providing sweetness, acidity, and juiciness that supermarket varieties can’t match.

In the middle of summer, tomatoes are at their peak, bursting with flavor and nutrition. The difference that fresh, garden-grown tomatoes make in a dish like Panzanella is remarkable. They bring a vibrant taste that elevates the entire salad, making each bite a celebration of the season’s bounty.

Panzanella salad recipe


  • 4 cups stale bread, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • Four sizeable ripe garden tomatoes, cut into chunks
  • One cucumber, peeled and sliced
  • One small red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup fresh basil leaves, torn
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • Three tablespoons of red wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Prepare the Bread: If your bread is not stale, dry it by baking the cubes in a 300°F (150°C) oven for 10-15 minutes until crispy but not browned.
  2. Mix the Vegetables: In a large bowl, combine the tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, and basil.
  3. Add the Bread: Add the bread cubes to the bowl with the vegetables.
  4. Make the Vinaigrette: In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper. Adjust the seasoning to taste.
  5. Toss the Salad: Pour the vinaigrette over the bread and vegetables. Toss everything together until the bread is well coated with the dressing and the vegetables are evenly distributed.
  6. Marinate: Let the salad sit for at least 30 minutes before serving. This allows the bread to soak up the flavors of the dressing and the juices from the tomatoes.
  7. Serve: Give the salad a final toss and adjust the seasoning if needed. Serve at room temperature or slightly chilled.

Tips for the Perfect Panzanella

  • Quality Ingredients: Use the best ingredients you can find, especially the bread and tomatoes, as they are the stars of the dish.
  • Resting Time: Allowing the salad to rest before serving is crucial. The flavors meld together this time, and the bread absorbs the dressing without becoming too soggy.
  • Customize: For extra flavor, add other summer vegetables, such as bell peppers, olives, and capers.

Panzanella is more than just a salad; it’s a celebration of the summer harvest and a testament to the ingenuity of Tuscan cuisine. This simple yet flavorful dish is perfect for picnics, barbecues, or as a light lunch on a warm day. Enjoy making and savoring this taste of Tuscany!


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Meet Chef Walter!

There is a constant, recognizable thread in the career of Walter Potenza to elevate the level of Italian culinary culture in the United States. Besides his unquestionable culinary talent and winning business perspective, Chef Walter has been a relentless educator with passion and knowledge who defeats stereotypes. His life, career, and values are a model, an example to follow by any chef of Italian gastronomy working outside Italy.  

Chef Walter appears regularly on National and International Networks such as Food Network, ABC, CBS, NBC, RAI, FOX, and Publications such as NY. Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Food & Wine, Saveur, Gourmet, and several Italian media outlets.  And now – RINewsToday!

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