

Colorful flower bouquet in blue vase.

ART! Robin Halpren-Ruder exhibit and talk with Artists Loop

Robin Halpren-Ruder exhibit and talk with Artists Loop

Enjoy the art of Robin Halpren-Ruder and listen to her talk on Thursday, May 9th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm at the Wanskuck Library (adult area), 233 Veazie Street in Providence. This is a free event.

Robin Halpren-Ruder studied sculpture with Italo Scanga at Tyler School of Art, Temple University. She has been a fellow at The MacDowell Colony and completed a residency in New Orleans, LA.

Influenced by the art of Matisse, Rousseau, and Frida Kahlo, Halpren-Ruder often uses a completed object as her canvas and then transforms the object into a painting. Brilliant color, tropical settings, bouquets of hearts or flowers and still life’s vibrate to the edge of the painted surface. Luscious and vivid, the work vibrates color with a pulsating sensation of joy.

The Artists Loop is a program for artists and art enthusiasts.
Participants get together to talk about art related topics.
Questions? Email [email protected] or call 401-274-4145

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  1. Sharon Redmond on April 30, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    Robin, so proud of you! Won’t be back in time to attend your lecture. Thanks for the help with eye doc. ❤️