

jen brien commentary

It is what it is (10.16.24) – Jen Brien

by Jennifer Brien, contributing writer, commentary


Regardless of what side you’re on, people have had just about enough of politics. Even the die hards… they seem to be exhausted by it all. I can’t say for sure if this is a fact, but to ME, it seems as though this political season is far more exhausting because of the never-ending drama as well as ALL THE OTHER things going on across this nation.

Typically in elections, OF COURSE there IS DRAMA, for sure, but with the PELOSI SHOVE to BIDEN”S BACK getting him out of the race and then the MACHINE going into overdrive trying to convince us HARRIS is capable (unattainable goal, BTW) AND THEN THE WALZ “weirdness” and ALL of TRUMP’S indictments…MY GOD… it literally feels like the time I almost drowned in MEXICO. I was on vacation with friends years ago and we all got caught in a RIPTIDE. Next thing you know I’m being pulled out to sea, can’t see my friends and started getting pounded by wave after wave. Just when I would come up out of the water and gasp for air another wave came and pounded me… then another and another… last thing I remember I was praying, asking GOD and my great aunt Marieanne to help me.

I washed up on the shore face down in the sand somehow… I made it… but barely. That’s how this election cycle feels. Toss in all the anger and mental instability out there around these candidates and you’ve got yourself a hell of a road trip to NOV 5th. I, for one, will say I doubt the election can or will be called on ELECTION NIGHT. Expect delays, chicanery and lawsuits.

When we get to the finish line, no matter who is given the keys to AMERICAS BUS, we will no doubt all feel like that in guy in RAIDERS whose face melts when he looks at the ARK OF THE COVENANT. Keep your wits about you, my friends, and don’t argue about politics with folks. Why bother…. you won’t change their opinion. Just do you.



THAT “Bela Lugosi was buried in full DRACULA costume… cape and all!”

“THE 3 DOTS on the DOMINO’S LOGO represent the chain’s 3 original locations”

“ALBERT EINSTEIN kept a portrait of Michael Faraday (British chemist and physicist) in his home”

“NOBEL Prize winner NIELS BOHR was given a perpetual supply of BEER piped into his house” (we dedicate that ONE TO RON!)

“The OLDEST customer complaint dates back to ancient MESOPOTAMIA” (someone was PO’D by the quality of a product!)

“SNICKERS candy bars are named after a beloved HORSE”

“GEORGE WASHINGTON blew his entire campaign budget on 160 gallons of liquor to serve to potential VOTERS!”  (NOW THAT’S the way to win an election!)



For all the folks out there who say, “there’s no way the govt can “CONTROL THE WEATHER” do me a favor and help yourself to some reality and do a quick search of “OPERATION POPEYE”. Governments from all over the world routinely engage in what they call ‘WEATHER MODIFICATION”. (They DO NOT call it weather control… that’s too HONEST) It’s not a conspiracy theory, or fake news it’s really happening, and the biggest programs are in CHINA, the U.S, FRANCE, AUSTRALIA and RUSSIA. NOW, I’m not saying anything, anywhere, recently, was a result of anyone “cloud seeding” or Geoengineering / CLIMATE ENGINEERING… (BILL GATES) I’m just saying do some research.

I bet you didn’t know CHINA used “cloud seeding” for the 2008 and 2022 OLYMPICS to ensure clear skies for various events (it’s all documented) and that the U.S started using various methods to modify hurricanes as far back as 1947. YEP. PROJECT CIRRUS. It began on February 28th, 1947, and ended in 1952. Long story short, before you start accusing people of being lunatics, jump on into that top hat and head over to “LIDSVILLE”. There’s some serious $h#! going down while you lay your head on that “MY pillow” at night folks. Hey, they used to say KAT WILLIAMS was nuts before DIDDY got busted… look at him now. Dude was RIGHT all along. Just sayin…



In 1963 at the New York Zoo there was an exhibit off in the corner entitled “THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL IN THE WORLD”. All it had was a MIRROR.

While looking at your own reflection, you would read this: “YOU are looking at the most dangerous animal in the world. It alone of all the animals that ever lived can exterminate (and has) entire species of animals. Now it has the power to wipe out all life on earth”. 

While I am an environmentalist, I am not sharing this with you today necessarily because of that reality about humanity destroying the ecosystem. Rather, I am sharing this because we must take that harsh truth and concept and apply it to the creation of AI.  Pay attention. It’s happening very quickly. We could quite possibly exterminate ourselves in the end instead of everything else.

That’s all I got this week gang. “IT IS WHAT IT IS”

Till next week,


 P.S! Leave your comments about ANYTHING in the comment section below. I really love hearing from you! and thanks for taking the time to read what I toss out there… I am very grateful.


Jen Brien has over 20 years of radio broadcast experience having hosted shows on WPRO and WHJJ with Ron as well as her own shows on WRKO and WBZ in Boston, WXTK on Cape Cod and WHAM in Rochester, New York. Jen was born and raised in Woonsocket and served six years in the Army MP Canine Unit.

To read more columns and commentary by Jen, go here:

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  1. Nelson Conchinha on October 16, 2024 at 10:59 am

    Another good one. The section on Climate Control is really scary.

  2. Linda Frattura on October 16, 2024 at 9:48 am

    I always assumed these climatological disasters were just a way to blame the gods for a form of population control. Take care and be safe.

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