

jen brien commentary

It is what it is (10.2.24) – Jen Brien

by Jennifer Brien, contributing writer


With so much happening in the world these days do you ever stop and say to yourself “how am I going to handle life if the crap really hits the fan?” EXAMPLES: If the grid goes down / EMP ATTACK… if there was ever a NUKE strike somewhere in the world or on our soil. Or what if someone invaded us like in RED DAWN?”  THESE DAYS this BIG BLUE MARBLE is on fire, and anything could happen. That’s not negative, that’s just reality.

I wonder if I’ll be able to function well under duress. Typically, I do. I just keep moving. I GO AND DO AND PROBLEM SOLVE. Just how I’m wired, I guess. I started thinking like this ever since I saw that movie “THE DAY AFTER” in 1983 with Jo Beth Williams and Jason Robards about a nuke attack on AMERICAN SOIL. (POWERFUL MOVIE) I’ve always had some kind of plan since then. I think if you’re smart you should have a plan these days. I’m not paranoid, I just like to control what I can if the world is blowing up around me. BTW – IF THE GRID EVER DOES GO DOWN nothing WORKS. NO TRANSPORTATION, NO INTERNET, NO CELL PHONES… ETC, ETC… I READ 6 MONTHS AGO THAT OUR infrastructure is so pathetic it would take YEARS for this country to get back on track to some kind of NORMAL.

I’m not a millionaire and don’t have thousands to spend on supplies but should something happen I believe I’ll know when to roll a few days in advance to get the hell on the road to where I’ll end up. I have a “sorta plan” which is really better than ZERO PLAN. I don’t think it hurts to start thinking about various things just to ensure you’ll have what you need to have safe travels from A to B in the middle of potential chaos. I’m definitely not leaving EVERYTHING up to chance… hell no. Even God says, “HEY JEN! you do your part, and I’ll do MY PART”. He always says that to me. Be the best you can / do the best you can and trust me with the rest… so that’s what I do. 

What’s happening with IRAN and ISRAEL should jolt you into thinking about YOUR plan. ANY PLAN for you and your family. Can’t hurt. Super smart thing to do if you ask me… and well… if you say, “HEY Jen, I didn’t ASK YOU”. OK… fair enough! Just wander around in the midst of crisis GOD FORBID that happens… and think of me trying to help and giving you a solid suggestion.



Video tape suffering humans and/or animals rather that help them…

Hide behind a computer destroying people and their lives on social media for whatever reason…

LOOK RIGHT INTO THE CAMERA and say “TRUST ME” when a peek into their REAR VIEW political mirror shows moral, cultural, economic and spiritual carnage from the past 4 years that she has been in office…

Tell others how to live their LIVES while screaming “DON’T TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE” in your face with a bullhorn in one hand and a bottle of puberty blockers in the other…

Make things disappear that they don’t agree with…

TRY AND SHAME or BULLY the WNBA audience into liking very unlikable EGOCENTRIC players…

SHOVE BLACK AMERICA and VETERANS to the back of the line while moving millions of ILLEGAL MIGRANTS up front…

FIGHT FOR DEATH ROW INMATES to get life in prison instead of being executed for their crimes, but then support the murder of unborn babies…



I don’t know why it is these days, but the fact is I generally spend most of my time alone. I don’t hang out with anyone except God and my animals… which isn’t a BAD thing except you can’t have a back and forth with either (in terms of traditional discourse). I have the kind of mind that is always on GO mode and never stops. It thinks all day and night. It’s actually so bad my father used to rebuke me for it. He would LAMENT and say, “YOU NEVER EVA STOP THINKING, JENNIFER! YOU THINK AND THINK!”. Too bad I didn’t think in HIGH SCHOOL!!!!… .except for where my next DOOBER was coming from… ANYHOW – When you have so many thoughts every second like I do, a lot of times I process them, with… myself or my animals. I literally talk to MYSELF ALL DAY. I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but I’m sure that’s OK in a world where “normal” means people can’t define what a “woman” is, and a 5-year-old can decide if they want to be a cat and pee in a litter box at school…  so I’m not concerned.

I started to wonder though… HOW MANY OF YOU are like me? Having full blown conversations with yourself everywhere you go? Problem is, I’ve started doing this in PUBLIC! I’ll be at WALMART and refer to MYSELF in the damn 3rd person and just talk and talk. WTH. My 90+ year old great aunt lived with my family for years when I was growing up before her passing, and I would hear her talk to herself ALL DAY. LOL. NOW I GET IT! NOW I KNOW WHY!!!!!  Anyway, I wanted to bring this up in case you all see me squeezing the grapefruit at STOP N SHOP or rolling along in my vehicle and pull up next to me at a stop light and see me chit chatting away… with air. While I loathe “inconsequential small talk” with OTHER HUMANS you are free to rescue me from myself. Hey GANG, leave comments below in the “COMMENT SECTION” if you do this, too, or just want to tell me what a “darn nut” I am! We could all use a good laugh and… I CAN’T be the only who routinely debates herself!!!



TOM BRADY HAS BALLS after all, folks! I’m not afraid to say I am wrong when I AM WRONG and at the very least, I’ll give it to Tom Brady for finding an extra set and whacking BAKER MAYFIELD over the head with ’em a few times (metaphorically speaking) to set him straight last SUNDAY on a live broadcast. Didn’t you hear? A few weeks ago, while being interviewed during a PODCAST, Mayfield was critical of Brady (without coming out AND BEING critical of Brady… it was one of those things) basically saying BRADY was way too intense and made NFL FOOTBALL an unhappy place in TAMPA as people were “pretty stressed out” by his style. Mayfield went on to say, “they wanted me to come in, be myself, and bring the JOY back to football for guys who weren’t having as much FUN”.  I kid you not gang… he actually said these things. I’m thinking to myself as soon as I heard it “MAYFIELD IS A PILE OF HORSE MANURE”. Fact is, the NFL is a damn business.

Sure, you want to enjoy your job, but the bottom line is it’s a crazy competitive sport with BILLIONS at stake in various ways where “WINNING” is the end game and Mayfield is complaining that it wasn’t “fun” anymore in TAMPA? That crap organization must have had LOADS OF FUN before BRADY arrived… but I digress. Well, a few days goes by and there’s no official statement from THE GOAT on this matter and I’m thinking “meh… BRADY has bigger fish to fry and can’t deal with this turd… small potatoes for a guy like BRADY”.

HOWEVER! TO MY DELIGHT… on SUNDAY during the EAGLES – BUCS game BRADY was in the booth for play-by-play analysis and when asked about those comments he replied “I thought stressful was NOT having Superbowl rings. This wasn’t DAYCARE. If I was going to have fun I was going to Disneyland with my kids”. BOOM!  Ain’t that something gang?… and a wonderful retort, may I add. BRADY definitely sunk MAYFIELD’S BATTLESHIP! Hey BAKER! Have ALL THE FUN YOU WANT IN TAMPA! Don’t be stressed! You all won’t ever see another CHAMPIONSHIP down there as long as I’m alive, that’s for sure. PARTY ON, DUDE and make sure you make everyone smile on the sidelines during the games with your PERKY ATTITUDE! We like seeing HAPPY fun faces on TV during FOOTBALL games… NOT.



When someone is gossiping, slandering or lying about someone to hurt them or harm their reputation or livelihood, do you douse it with GAS and make the FLAMES HIGHER AND BRIGHTER because that’s what’s in the BUCKET you carry, or do you extinguish the spark and make it fizzle out because THE BUCKET you carry is filled with WATER? “THE TONGUE is a fire, a world of EVIL among the parts of the body”. (JAMES 3:5)

Just some self-exploration on this WEDNESDAY MORNING. WHICH BUCKET DO YOU CARRY?

That’s all I got this week… “IT IS WHAT IT IS”

Till next week my friends,



Jen Brien has over 20 years of radio broadcast experience having hosted shows on WPRO and WHJJ with Ron as well as her own shows on WRKO and WBZ in Boston, WXTK on Cape Cod and WHAM in Rochester, New York. Jen was born and raised in Woonsocket and served six years in the Army MP Canine Unit.

To read more columns and commentary by Jen, go here:


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