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RI’s Cindy Gilman passes away. Spiritual counselor to thousands.
Cindy Gilman. Psychic. Medium. Intuitive. Psychic. Spiritual counselor. Cindy has passed away. April 1, 2021
From Cindy’s obituary:
Cynthia “Cindy” (Marsh) Gilman, of Warwick, RI, formerly of Massachusetts passed peacefully at home on April 1st, 2021. Loving mother of Daniel W. Gilman. Adored grandmother of Michael Gilman. Dear sister of Dr. Ken Marsh. Loving aunt of Grace and Will Marsh. Cherished daughter of the late Paul & Sylvia (Klatskin) Marsh.
A woman of lifelong dedication to her faith, Cindy was spiritual counselor and intimate friend for innumerable people whose lives she touched in a very special way. In earlier life, she was a celebrated singer and performer, having sung with the Boston Opera Company, and at Lincoln Center, as well as the Miami Beach Yiddish Theatre and Warsaw Ghetto Memorials. For years, she became a popular weekly radio talk show host and personality in Providence, and carried on with a livestream internet show.
Due to the current health crisis, funeral services were private. In lieu of flowers, remembrances may be made to one’s favorite charity.
You can leave a note for the family, here:
Cindy Gilman’s “Discover Your Potential” podcast/radio show was a program she said was “All About YOU”. The program is informative, inspiring, motivating, spiritual, and yes, with some humor. People often ask what is my soul purpose? Often the answer is right inside just waiting to come forward. It just needs a little nudge. Often we think we are working and walking the right direction. Then the universe sends us on a detour and you have that aha moment. Life is full of twist and turns. Sometimes we think change is frightening…
On March 3rd, Cindy hosted her last show, an interview with RI author, Jon Land. On March 21st, Cindy’s son, Dan Gilman said on her radio show that she was under the weather. Dan will be taking over “Discover Your Potential” – On her April 5th show, Dan announced his mother’s passing that took place on April 1st. He interviewed Gordon Two Bears, a family member, and discussed his mother’s life on Earth and her work – you can listen to this here:
Click on the link above this block to listen to Dan and Gordon.

Dave Kane published a story with RINewsToday in February about the Station Fire anniversary ( – in that article he said about Cindy…:
“Detailed in Kane’s book, 41 Signs of Hope, shares how medium Cindy Gilman gave him a message from Nicky, his son, who had died at the Station nightclub fire. A day before the deadly fire that occurred on Feb. 20, 2003, Gilman smelled smoke as she walked through her office. The medium knew that a tragic event would happen close by and that she could not do anything to stop it.
The day after the tragic fire, while sitting in her kitchen drinking tea, a figure of a young man appeared to Gilman, with long blond hair, a glittery shirt and a leather jacket, begging her to “call his father.” Startled by this vision she did not know who to call. A moment later the spirit reappeared showing her his charred body, then transformed back to his original form.
Gilman knew that the apparition wanted the East Greenwich medium to give his father a message, that he had “crossed over and was not in pain.” Picking up her personal phone book, she turned to “K” and immediately saw the name of a professional acquaintance, Dave Kane (the only name under that letter).
Kane recalls that she called his beeper. He returned her call and the medium offered to come on his radio show to identify the young spirit. The grieving father told her, “we had lost Nicky in a fire,” with Gilman responding, “Oh, I should have said something.” A very distraught Kane immediately hung up on her, thinking that he had a medium telling him she knew something that she really did not know.
Ultimately, he would call Gilman back and she would describe the spirit vividly to him. It was the splitting image of his son, he said. He confirmed to Gilman that this was his son, especially detailing how he had dressed the night he died.
Looking back, losing his son was the most horrible experience of Kane and his wife had experienced in their life, he says. The morning after the deadly West Warwick fire, he stood in front of his bathroom mirror and cried, screaming “Okay big shot, now what do you think.” Thirty years as a talk show host gave him all the answers to any topic. But he had no answers to why his son died tragically and so young.
But, the Number 41 would give Kane and his wife comfort that their son was reaching out, telling them that life does not end with death. Loved ones who have passed on never leave us, they are still with us, loving, supporting, guiding and sending us signs each and every day, he says.

In October, 2013, RINewsToday writer, Herb Weiss, wrote about Gilman in an article. Motif Magazine carried the story, here: ( – We reprint it, here:
Cindy Gilman knew something was wrong, but just could not put her finger on it. Three weeks before Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, when four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by Al-Qaeda upon the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in the Washington, D.C. area killed more than 3,000 people, the well-known Rhode Island medium felt shaky and weak. The 55-year-old medium had a metallic taste in her mouth, and she even began to experience unidentifiable fear. Every time Gilman went into a meditative state to “spiritually lift herself up,” her discomfort became even stronger. A series of blood tests just one week before the national tragedy found no medical irregularities.
When the huge passenger planes dove into their iconic targets, Gilman, like others across the country, learned about the terrorist attacks. Only then did she realize that her symptoms were what New York residents were now feeling, even down to the foul-tasting smoke and ash they breathed in from the falling debris.
One day before the mass shootings inside the Beltway, on Sept. 16, 2013, Gilman began to violently shake and experience an unidentifiable sense of fear like she experienced 12 years earlier before 9/11. The medium knew intuitively something was going to happen. The next day on local radio, confirmed by CNN, validated her feeling that something was going to happen. It did. A lone gunman fatally shot 12 people and injured three others in Southeast Washington, D.C., at the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command at the Washington Navy Yard.
Having the Gift
The petite, blonde medium consciously began her spiritual journey in the early 1950s. One of her first major spiritual experiences that she can recall was a second grader. The young student went up to her teacher and said, “I have to go home because my mother needs me. My grandfather just passed away.” The teacher let the youngster walk home where her mother validated that this death did occur before her arrival.
At age 7, more than 60 years ago, Gilman became aware of her spiritual gifts as she sang to a room full of Holocaust survivors at a memorial service held in Boston. Standing on a milk crate to reach the microphone, the child singer brought tears to the eyes of many in the room, as she nervously sang lullaby songs they remembered being sung by their mothers while they were in captivity in German concentration camps. As the horrific, repressed memories came to the surface of the audience, Gilman remembers not seeing them as they were dressed that day, but seeing them emaciated, with shaved heads and wearing stripped pajamas like they did in the camps. “I just closed my eyes and saw my maternal grandfather standing before me with my spiritual eye,” said Gilman, seeing him as “young and healthy,” not a man whose body was once ravaged with cancer, who passed on months earlier. “My deceased grandfather nodded his head, and at that moment I knew that there was something more to life, more than just a person’s physical body,” added Gilman.
For a long time the young child told nobody of this experience, but eventually brought it up with her paternal grandmother. “She started to cry and rubbed her hands on my face,” she said, telling her that “God is with you.”
Later, at a family gathering, Gilman walked up to an uncle and warned him of an impending heart attack. Her mother quickly told her not to say things like this. “I was told to sit on the couch and not put my intuitive foot in my mouth,” she said. As to her spiritual verbal slips, Gilman now knows that “some things come through my higher intuitive self or through spirit guide.”
Looking back at her childhood, the seasoned medium thought “everyone had the abilities of being intuitive, it was a part of human nature,” but life would teach her that this was not the case.
From Singer to Intuitive Pioneer
At age 17, Gilman sought formal training to enhance her musical career by attending Emerson College where she once danced with Henry Winkler, “the Fonz” in a college production. “We remained in touch long after our college days,” she says.
Ultimately, the college student transferred to New England Conservatory of Music, from which she graduated. Now, residing in New York City, the young college graduate honed her musical abilities by professionally performing in Miami, Florida, New York City and the Catskill Mountains in Upper State New York, and the Bahamas. At this time, before she became a professional medium, she would sometimes pick up things from the audience as she performed her repertoire of songs from the stage. In her late 20s, she returned to Boston to begin to work as a professional intuitive spiritual medium.
“I really was a pioneer doing this type of work. People started calling asking me for readings,” Gilman remembers. Both print and electronic media also began calling asking her for interviews on spiritual understanding.
For more than 23 years, Gilman has brought comfort and insight to thousands of listeners as a radio talk show host at WHDH – AM, Boston, (1972-1993), later moving to WHJJ-AM, Providence, (1984-1996), and, using her intuitive and healing abilities, understanding of hypnosis and meditation skills to assist in the healing process. She is a certified Hypnosis Counselor and Meditation Instructor. As an intuitive, her ESP expertise has been called upon to work with psychokinetic children in cooperation with Dr. J. B. Rhine (who coined the phrase “ESP” in the early 1970s and 1980s). Besides giving readings that bridge the physical world with the spirit world, Gilman also has lectured at colleges on spiritual topics, taught psychic development classes and worked with intuitively gifted children.
Gilman even helped police departments solve crimes. In one instance, she traveled to Miami, Florida, to assist the chief of detectives in locating a murderer. Quickly looking at photographs of five suspects, Gilman intuitively described where the police could find the murderer, at a cottage she described in detail, including a printed sofa inside with three garbage cans in the back. The suspect was later captured at that location. However, she has retired her services working with law enforcement because “it is just too painful to do.”
Successful Hits
While Gilman will tell you that no intuitive can be 100 percent accurate in their psychic predictions, she gives a few examples of intuitively zeroing in on major New England events. The medium gave a feature writer at the Boston Herald a prediction when he asked for one, that a big blizzard would happen in February 1978. “I clairvoyantly saw a newspaper headline that read, ‘This Is the Blizzard that Paralyzed Boston.’” Meanwhile, an image of Valentine cards on a shelf would date the event around February 14, she noted.
Meanwhile, detailed in Dave Kane’s book, 41 Signs of Hope, the former radio talk show host, comedian, performance artist and author shares how Gilman gave him a message from Nicky, his son, who died at the Station Nightclub fire. A day before the fourth-deadliest nightclub fire in United States history that killed 100 people and injured 230, Gilman smelled smoke as she walked through her office. The medium knew that a tragic event would happen close by and that she could not do anything to stop it.
The day after the tragic fire, a figure of a young man appeared to Gilman, with long blond hair, a glittery shirt and a leather jacket. This spirit had just died at the Station Nightclub fire and begged her to “call his father.” Startled, she did not know who to call. A moment later the spirit reappeared, showing her his charred body, then transformed back to his original form.
The young man wanted her to tell his grieving father that he had “crossed over, was ok and not in pain,” says Gilman. Picking up her personal phone book, she turned to “K” and immediately saw the name of a professional acquaintance, Dave Kane. She called his beeper. That evening, Kane returned the call and the medium offered help those who lost family members and friends in the fire. Kane told her “we lost Nicky in a fire.” Gilman remembered, “I knew it, I should have said something.” Kane hung up, but he ultimately called back the next morning and she described the spirit to him. It was the spitting image of his son, he said. He confirmed to Gilman that this was his son, detailing how he dressed the night he died.
A Few Thoughts and Observations
Gilman concludes my interview at the Kitchen Bar Restaurant on Hope Street, noting that there is definitely a spiritual, financial and social shift happening across the world. Although horrific events, like earth changes and terrorist attacks will still occur, she stresses that people will become more spiritually inclined, too.
“Finding ways to become more grounded and focused will become more important,” says Gilman, recommending meditation.
RINewsToday extends our deepest sympathies to the Gilman family.

I will always remember Cindy as a sweet “soul” who would help anyone in need. She was kind and generous with her time and talent. Cindy had a “Gift” for seeing into people and what their needs were. She was compassionate and sensitive to those who struggled. I only wish I had called her these past few years. And if I had called I would tell her that she did God’s work with courage and love while on this earth and that God was pleased. Rest in peace Cindy.
My condolences to your dear son.
So sad. Cindy helped me a lot when my son passed away. Condolences to her family. ?